03.09.2011 - 17:19
It has become apparent that late joining has no longer become a situation where players late joined because they missed the initial week 0 joining time, but has now just turned to a way of ruining people's games. Up to now, i cant count how many times ive been late joined and killed during games for the simple reason that i didnt have time to capture that one little country and someone late joines and basically spams units onto my cap. It is unfair and very annoying and therefore should be removed from the game or reduced to "max. allow joining week to 3". And of course, when i get late joined in a game i get mad, which encourages the person who late joined to feel proud of himself or superior towards me. But, i dont get super furious with that person since i know it will do me no good so i simply tell him that "his actions are disrespectful and excruciatingly annoying". Yet still, after i point out what it is that he did wrong he laughs at me and continues his silly rampage. And yes, i know that it is up to me to join a game with no joining past week 0, but it is very hard to tell the game administrator to change it the way i want it. That's why i feel that late joining should be either removed, reduced or simply disallow the latejoiners to attack anyone until a certain week.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
03.09.2011 - 17:56
Don't know, you have already said all in the last paragraph. You can always create your own game and set joining week to 0. And when you see that someone connected, think logically what country he will pick and attack it before he does. (example - cyprus if u play as turkey, or if u see only switzerland isn't conquered, he will probably pick that, you get my point). I played like 500 games, and it happened lmaybe 2-3 times so i think there are bigger problems to solve. This is even adding some thrill to the game ![]()
03.09.2011 - 20:33
Lord zizou would not be pleased with this post
---- I was banned for your sins VAGlJESUS ["I love me some KFC"]
03.09.2011 - 21:03
Latejoining is a valid strategic approach to Afterwind and takes skill, patience and determination to master. When latejoining a game, you generally have to take control over a country meeting the following characteristics; one, it is geographically isolated (i.e. Hawaii, Fiji) and two, it provides little income (i.e. Cyprus). While you are provided with seemingly infinite available units, your lack of any serious starting income* means that in order to sustainably participate in the game and not near-immediately die, you must balance between economic constraints and the units needed to mount sufficient attacks. If you fail at the former, you will not be able to produce units after several weeks for a long time (understanding the consequences of characteristic 1) unless your invasion is successful. If you fail at the latter, you are quickly overwhelmed. Comprehending this, latejoining is a difficult part of Afterwind that takes time to master. Prohibiting it is akin to disabling turn-blocking or first-turn capping. *unless it is a game high in starting funds; in which case, you're only concern is gargantuan stacks. Disclaimer: Disregard this if you're being latejoined by a troll.
---- Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
03.09.2011 - 22:49
True, it does take skill (zizou) but my problem isnt those who suceed in latejoining as a source of endeavorment, what troubles me are the people who latejoin in order to cause disruption or ruin a person's game.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
04.09.2011 - 00:36
So? they can just as easily join week 0 and ruin a game for a single person should that be your goal.
04.09.2011 - 09:18 So, in order to prevent troll latejoins, you propose to disable all latejoining? I take it you propose to disable all chat functions because they can be used to troll?
---- Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
Samnang Účet vymazán |
04.09.2011 - 09:52 Samnang Účet vymazán
If you're too dumb to take Cyprus on the first turn then you deserve to be killed by a late joiner
04.09.2011 - 10:39
You can already set the number of weeks of joining, so i don't understand what should be removed in the first place. Maybe the 'standards' can be changed to 5weeks or something, but it's not really important. With that, as already stated by others; If you are in a game from week 0, just make sure you get the country's in your back so a latejoiner ruin your game. If you don't do it, it's your own fault that someone joins in. Like Caulerpa said; it also happend to me 2/3 times in about 500 games, and it was my own mistake.
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
04.09.2011 - 11:28
@everyone: If you don't like the proposal, there is no need to be disrespectful or offensive. I disagree. I am always getting late joined and rejoined by many players in all my games, with a few exceptions. Still, I rarely have problems with it. Here are my reasons it should not be implemented: - It's an optional setting - It's harmless in low cash games - It's harmless in capture whole country or total anihilation games - You can easily avoid it by building walls, capturing countries nearby your capital or reinforcing your capital So, in order to have a good chance of losing because of late joining you NEED to: 1 - Be in a high cash game 2 - Let neutral countries near your capital 3 - Set game to a high late join turn 4 - Be in a capture capital only match 5 - Be in a capture and hold capital for less than 3 turns And if it was disabled, you would be punishing many players that want to play games normally but lost the start. I think Hugosch is right, and in order to avoid too much trolling we could change the standards settings, which many players doesn't pay attention to.
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
04.09.2011 - 11:53
I think its best to leave the settings as it they are. "Late" joining up to week 10 isnt that late anyway, and the turns are fast enough that you dont always see a game in the lobby at week 0 or 1, you might step away from the pc and not notice until its at week 5, but still want to play. Also this has been discussed before, and I am pretty sure it will not change. http://afterwind.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=390
04.09.2011 - 21:35
Lol from my personal experience late joining hasn't been much of a problem and I understand that, as stated by ncm., it is a valid strategy. My problem is late REjoining. There's nothing worse then beating someone fair and square only to have him rejoin nearby with loads of reinforcement just to get back at you for legitimately beating them. Another thing about that is that it is only a setting that can be changed by premium players. I don't expect this to change and again the conditions stated by Pinheiro have to be met for this to work but I guess it's just kind of annoying when it happens.
---- This doesn't really say anything, it's just a space filler while I try to come up with a better signature.
04.09.2011 - 22:41
Well i get late joined at least once a day. > bad luck?
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
04.09.2011 - 23:32
you can also turn off rejoining lol.
04.09.2011 - 23:58
I had mentioned that. I also said that it can only be done if you have premium. Lol I guess what I was saying with that wasn't very clear or specific and rereading what I wrote I can see that now. Thanks for helping me see that anyway.
---- This doesn't really say anything, it's just a space filler while I try to come up with a better signature.
06.09.2011 - 18:10
I think Pinheiro said everything. ![]() But by the way (thou i don´t want to change the game) the whole problem could be solved by making the reinforcements for latejoiner dependent on the distance from his to other capitals (i.e. the closer one joins to an capital the less reinforcements he gets) ![]()
08.09.2011 - 06:06
Its just another aspect of the game. build walls and an army if it looks like someone might join there and turn block them. besides there is already a way to remove late joining. lower the joining limit. what other way is there apart from that? how can you stop a late joiner from late joining but allow others to join late without late joining? and i agree with what pin said, up there somewhere *pointing upwards*
---- i know there's an answer i just don't know what it is yet
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