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Přidal DoubleOsix, 17.04.2021 - 20:26
If you ever wondered how to win as ukr in 2v2 eu+ competitive since it has so much disadvantages compared to turkey you are on the right place!. Let me show you how it's done.
Step 1
Become best friend with biggest hacker in the game. Keep defending him and let him play for your clan and convince others that is not him playing. Here is how you do it: ">
And link to the whole video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O58IzuqFPl8&t=60s
Step 2
Unite with mod with no moral who is earlier known for abusing every unfair advantage he could for example: wfing bigwall t1 and not respecting it because "it was on border of the country and his wf was on other country" or picking turkey in eu duels (not eu+) etc etc. And make him defend you while you are earning elo for his clan.
Step 3
This is the gameplay of how you do it. First you need to play blitz. It doesn't matter if people say that it's the strat with worst rolls in the game trust me. On t6 you rush ankara and you fail it "on purpose" that's what i've been told. On t7 when you end up with 36 blitz units and turkey has triple your units + retakes his cities with fresh reinfs like this: ">
But don't worry you just need to remind of step 1 and call your best friend xbugs to send you some extra units. And he will kill for you all turk units + gen and cap ankara for you: ">
And after that you call him once again to kill all turk units cuz why not ">
And that's ladies and gentleman how you do it. With 36 blitz units you kill turk ~100 units and gen and you still have 72 units left. That's logical isn't it.
(I don't want to argue with mirage clan because it's pointless, and it hurts my brain so I won't probably even respond to your stupid excuses. I just made this so other people can see it and when you ask why nobody wants to cw you I can send you this link. For me it's more than obvious how gypsy king wins his games. And hopefully someday staff team will start to ban people who deserve it and not people who trashtalk for fun
19.04.2021 - 02:14
When some players or clan play dirty, they can expect from now that we abuse some things like they did to us. We will cw them, till they break all lines of fair play like some guys did.

Rewalling is clear mark some players are rdy to play dirty and use or abuse any kind of soy things.

Pic 1 normal wall
Pic 2 rewall, even if you dont move kiev wall its dirty move and rw atempt
Pic 3 rw, so your enemy cant att your rewalled city next turn, or he need to break, wf it with more then one unit.

Pic 4, normal big wall, not rewall

Facts about Froyer.

1.Is he best friend with xbugs? Yes he is.
2. Did he helped xbug find some accs so he can keep playing? Yes.
3. Were he banned for wall bypassing? Yes
4. DId he used tb hack? I would bet he did.
5. Did he abused range hax? If zoe did that, why wouldnt he.
6. And many more similar things...

By doing this he broke every type of fair play, and from now he can cw with xbugs, not vs me.

19.04.2021 - 02:27
Napsáno boywind2, 18.04.2021 at 18:42

if I am trolling or not.

From Bulgaria.... When x played cws on ur acc, this or ex season?

19.04.2021 - 03:31
My man boywind has grown up, turned into a fine and respectable gentleman I'm proud
19.04.2021 - 04:05
 Witch-Doctor (Mod)
Napsáno Mauzer Panteri, 19.04.2021 at 02:14

When some players or clan play dirty, they can expect from now that we abuse some things like they did to us. We will cw them, till they break all lines of fair play like some guys did.

Rewalling is clear mark some players are rdy to play dirty and use or abuse any kind of soy things.

Pic 1 normal wall
Pic 2 rewall, even if you dont move kiev wall its dirty move and rw atempt
Pic 3 rw, so your enemy cant att your rewalled city next turn, or he need to break, wf it with more then one unit.

Pic 4, normal big wall, not rewall

Facts about Froyer.

1.Is he best friend with xbugs? Yes he is.
2. Did he helped xbug find some accs so he can keep playing? Yes.
3. Were he banned for wall bypassing? Yes
4. DId he used tb hack? I would bet he did.
5. Did he abused range hax? If zoe did that, why wouldnt he.
6. And many more similar things...

By doing this he broke every type of fair play, and from now he can cw with xbugs, not vs me.

Stop trying to change clearly established things. A rewall is when you move your wall and put a new one up so that any units sent to tb won't attack the wall because the old unit escaped.
19.04.2021 - 04:48
Napsáno Mauzer Panteri, 19.04.2021 at 02:14

Pic 2 rewall, even if you dont move kiev wall its dirty move and rw atempt

I did not want to participate in this MK-Mirage drama, but this is not a rewall.

19.04.2021 - 04:53
Napsáno Oleg, 19.04.2021 at 04:48

Napsáno Mauzer Panteri, 19.04.2021 at 02:14

Pic 2 rewall, even if you dont move kiev wall its dirty move and rw atempt

I did not want to participate in this MK-Mirage drama, but this is not a rewall.

Brutal did that wall agaisnt them and it's not rewall it's just wallspamming like in scenarios lol.
Mk is just trying to find a reason why they get raped lol and it has to be hacks or dirty moves.
19.04.2021 - 04:56
If this was rewall, I've been rewalling in almost every game I played xd

19.04.2021 - 05:46
Napsáno Witch-Doctor, 19.04.2021 at 04:05

Stop trying to change clearly established things. A rewall is when you move your wall and put a new one up so that any units sent to tb won't attack the wall because the old unit escaped.

Thats just one kind of rewall.

I call this rp rewall.

Some kind of rewalls are:

Classic rewall, team wall, serbian, rp...Vs players who do that to me im going to rewall also, and end turn when they dc. Leave before game start, if they get picks i dont like and and and.....

Rewall in cw = t1 wf.

I can understand low ranks doing rewall in world games, so they can surrvive turn more... But competetive players... no chance.

19.04.2021 - 06:04
Napsáno Mauzer Panteri, 19.04.2021 at 05:46

Napsáno Witch-Doctor, 19.04.2021 at 04:05

Thats just one kind of rewall.

I call this rp rewall.

oh founder of rp rewall, nobody cares what its named we all use it. i use it in scens for trappin stacks
The red flag shall rise and the fascists shall be put to their knees.
We shall fight with every last one of us and behead all of the remaining neo nazis and nationalists around the world
Communism shall rise when the time comes
19.04.2021 - 12:10
 Lelouch. (Mod)
Napsáno Mauzer Panteri, 19.04.2021 at 02:14

Pic 2 rewall, even if you dont move kiev wall its dirty move and rw atempt

That's definitely not a rewall. There's no difference between that and 4 imo

Napsáno Mauzer Panteri, 19.04.2021 at 02:14

Facts about Froyer.

1.Is he best friend with xbugs? Yes he is.
2. Did he helped xbug find some accs so he can keep playing? Yes.
3. Were he banned for wall bypassing? Yes
4. DId he used tb hack? I would bet he did.
5. Did he abused range hax? If zoe did that, why wouldnt he.
6. And many more similar things...

By doing this he broke every type of fair play, and from now he can cw with xbugs, not vs me.

Lol you say "facts". The only thing true about Froyer is number 3. You have 0 definitive proof of any other claims so why call them facts? You can accuse Froyer of doing whatever, but they're just baseless accusations without proof.
19.04.2021 - 13:14
Napsáno Lelouch., 19.04.2021 at 12:10

Napsáno Mauzer Panteri, 19.04.2021 at 02:14

Pic 2 rewall, even if you dont move kiev wall its dirty move and rw atempt

That's definitely not a rewall. There's no difference between that and 4 imo

I disagree. But by definition you are all right it's not a rewall, but it is a form of dirty play. You can do it in clan wars but don't be upset when people decide to stop playing you because you play dirty. There's a reason why people don't like playing mirage. And I am sure this is one of them.
19.04.2021 - 13:15
 Lelouch. (Mod)
Napsáno PleaseMe, 19.04.2021 at 13:14

Napsáno Lelouch., 19.04.2021 at 12:10

Napsáno Mauzer Panteri, 19.04.2021 at 02:14

Pic 2 rewall, even if you dont move kiev wall its dirty move and rw atempt

That's definitely not a rewall. There's no difference between that and 4 imo

I disagree. But by definition you are all right it's not a rewall, but it is a form of dirty play. You can do it in clan wars but don't be upset when people decide to stop playing you because you play dirty. There's a reason why people don't like playing mirage. And I am sure this is one of them.

Bro, how far do you want the new wall to be from the old one? As long as it's not right on top of it, it should be fine.
19.04.2021 - 13:19
Napsáno Lelouch., 19.04.2021 at 13:15

If one unit is able to WF both walls then they're probably too close. I don't know honestly. No one ever does this to me. But when they do I normally just ban them from my games.
19.04.2021 - 13:20
 Lelouch. (Mod)
Napsáno PleaseMe, 19.04.2021 at 13:19

Napsáno Lelouch., 19.04.2021 at 13:15

If one unit is able to WF both walls then they're probably too close. I don't know honestly. No one ever does this to me. But when they do I normally just ban them from my games.

This is the problem then. No one can define that distance. So, why complain about a rule you can't clearly define?
19.04.2021 - 13:23
Napsáno PleaseMe, 19.04.2021 at 13:19

Napsáno Lelouch., 19.04.2021 at 13:15

If one unit is able to WF both walls then they're probably too close. I don't know honestly. No one ever does this to me. But when they do I normally just ban them from my games.

you can wf turkey bigwall+ankara lol so bigwalling as turkey is dirty play ?
19.04.2021 - 13:24
Napsáno Lelouch., 19.04.2021 at 13:20

It's about respectful play. People most of the time use common sense in competitive play and we know what's dirty and what's fair. I personally think it's dirty as well as many other people. Mortal Kombat knows not to do it to Noobs as well as Noobs knowing not to do it to Mortal Kombat. Because we have a mutual understanding. Once someone breaks that, then every game after that will become dirty until one just completely avoids the other. And people have already done that to Mirage but for other reasons.
19.04.2021 - 13:28
 Lelouch. (Mod)
Napsáno PleaseMe, 19.04.2021 at 13:24

Napsáno Lelouch., 19.04.2021 at 13:20

It's about respectful play. People most of the time use common sense in competitive play and we know what's dirty and what's fair. I personally think it's dirty as well as many other people. Mortal Kombat knows not to do it to Noobs as well as Noobs knowing not to do it to Mortal Kombat. Because we have a mutual understanding. Once someone breaks that, then every game after that will become dirty until one just completely avoids the other. And people have already done that to Mirage but for other reasons.

The problem with that is that not everyone has the same "common sense". Sometimes, you're gonna have people accusing of rewall while you'll have others defending the accused rewaller. You can't rely on something like "common sense". Not only that, but also, individuals who fail to wf those walls correctly will feel a bias towards rewall, while those who know that it was not even a rewall in technical terms will be biased towards no rewall. And this has happened so many times in so many games. You can't pretend like common sense is gonna save the rewalling problem. Common sense only gets you so far.
19.04.2021 - 13:31
Napsáno Lelouch., 19.04.2021 at 13:28

The problem with that is that not everyone has the same "common sense". Sometimes, you're gonna have people accusing of rewall while you'll have others defending the accused rewaller. You can't rely on something like "common sense". Not only that, but also, individuals who fail to wf those walls correctly will feel a bias towards rewall, while those who know that it was not even a rewall in technical terms will be biased towards no rewall. And this has happened so many times in so many games. You can't pretend like common sense is gonna save the rewalling problem. Common sense only gets you so far.

That's okay though. Just play your games but if you notice multiple clans or players start avoiding you then something you guys are doing might be the problem.
19.04.2021 - 13:39
 Lelouch. (Mod)
Napsáno PleaseMe, 19.04.2021 at 13:31

Napsáno Lelouch., 19.04.2021 at 13:28

The problem with that is that not everyone has the same "common sense". Sometimes, you're gonna have people accusing of rewall while you'll have others defending the accused rewaller. You can't rely on something like "common sense". Not only that, but also, individuals who fail to wf those walls correctly will feel a bias towards rewall, while those who know that it was not even a rewall in technical terms will be biased towards no rewall. And this has happened so many times in so many games. You can't pretend like common sense is gonna save the rewalling problem. Common sense only gets you so far.

That's okay though. Just play your games but if you notice multiple clans or players start avoiding you then something you guys are doing might be the problem.

People will dodge us even if we don't rewall based on your common sense. They dodge us because they think we're hacking. This goes beyond just Mirage. For example, now Brutal is suffering rewalling accusations. And this will continue to happen forever until the whole community can come to a clear consensus on the definition of a rewall. I would rather rely on that definition than common sense.
19.04.2021 - 13:41
Napsáno Lelouch., 19.04.2021 at 13:39

People will dodge us even if we don't rewall based on your common sense. They dodge us because they think we're hacking.

Well what's more important? Staying in a clan with some friends or clan warring? If you really want to cw then you could make your own clan. But if you want to play cws with your friends that have been accused then that's on you and you will have to deal with the backlash that comes with that.
19.04.2021 - 14:03
Napsáno PleaseMe, 19.04.2021 at 13:24

Napsáno Lelouch., 19.04.2021 at 13:20

It's about respectful play. People most of the time use common sense in competitive play and we know what's dirty and what's fair. I personally think it's dirty as well as many other people. Mortal Kombat knows not to do it to Noobs as well as Noobs knowing not to do it to Mortal Kombat. Because we have a mutual understanding. Once someone breaks that, then every game after that will become dirty until one just completely avoids the other. And people have already done that to Mirage but for other reasons.


19.04.2021 - 14:29
Napsáno Lelouch., 19.04.2021 at 13:39

People will dodge us even if we don't rewall based on your common sense. They dodge us because they think we're hacking. This goes beyond just Mirage. For example, now Brutal is suffering rewalling accusations. And this will continue to happen forever until the whole community can come to a clear consensus on the definition of a rewall. I would rather rely on that definition than common sense.

look this xbugz dog. trying to say the other clans are dodger...
think people think
you try to bait other clan to fight you with your little dirty ways
we all know you and froyer very dirty players

the game is up and you are holding on to straws trying to not fold

respect other clans and dont say they are dodgeing when you are the problem
you are the dirty players
maybe once you understand other clans thoughts like mauzer and pleaseme, then you can come fight clans like ashina

until then kneel on the ground with froyer and think about what you do to this community
breaking every moral and rules...
19.04.2021 - 14:31
Napsáno Mauzer Panteri, 19.04.2021 at 02:27

Napsáno boywind2, 18.04.2021 at 18:42

if I am trolling or not.

From Bulgaria.... When x played cws on ur acc, this or ex season?

20.04.2021 - 09:26
 Witch-Doctor (Mod)
Napsáno PleaseMe, 19.04.2021 at 13:41

Napsáno Lelouch., 19.04.2021 at 13:39

People will dodge us even if we don't rewall based on your common sense. They dodge us because they think we're hacking.

Well what's more important? Staying in a clan with some friends or clan warring? If you really want to cw then you could make your own clan. But if you want to play cws with your friends that have been accused then that's on you and you will have to deal with the backlash that comes with that.

When mirage was just Croat, Sphinx, and I, we still got dodged all the time. Things never change.
20.04.2021 - 17:55
Mirage all together
20.04.2021 - 18:45
As a moderator I feel it's in the best interest for the Atwar community that I lock this thread to prevent any further toxicity.


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