Získej Prémium pro odstranění všech reklam
Zveřejněné: 4   Navštíveno: 37 users
10.01.2011 - 11:51
I know this might be a little unfeasible but here is my suggestion. It would be nice if on the players page there were more columns with relevant information from players profile pages. For instance it would be nice to see beside each players name the total # of games they have played, as well as their win/loss/quit %'s. It couldn't include all of the information from the player-profile pages such as wins vs naval units etc but it would be nice to quickly glance among the players to see their game-finishing history as well as their SP/ games played ratio. Battle wins PVP or Neutral would also be nice. These sorts of stats just help to compare across similar sp level players. For example indicating that someone has higher sp because of more games rather than skillz or more sp from killing neutral rather than skillz. End goal: make it easier to see skillz on the players page
Full disclosure: I suggested this idea only after having checked out the # of games played by the top 15 and noticing I had the 3rd fewest.
10.01.2011 - 12:31
And make new statistic which counts how many alliances you broke, so everybode can see!

or which counts amount of broken alliances followed by declarations of war (during time span of for example 10 turns)
10.01.2011 - 14:52
I don't see how number of games is valuable - of course you will get more sp from playing a world map instead of Europe, etc. If you're going to add anything to the player page, keep it generic. Add number of medals (gold, silver, and bronze) to show where the points came from or win/loss/quit percentages not types of units etc.
12.01.2011 - 15:32
 Ivan (Admin)
Napsáno Akuku88, 10.01.2011 at 12:31

And make new statistic which counts how many alliances you broke, so everybode can see!

or which counts amount of broken alliances followed by declarations of war (during time span of for example 10 turns)

This is not recorded at the moment. I agree though, it might be handy.

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