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29.07.2020 - 19:06
I don't normally post on forums, so bear with me here.

Okay, so you may or may not have noticed, but a map called Worldia has been promoted. Worldia is a large world, consisting of over 164 different nations. The 6 continents are called: Natsoldo (left), Modnark (bottom right), Winreath (top center), Feminamia (center), Artica (top ice cap), and Antarti (bottom ice cap).

The map also contains an expanded use of units than normally seen. For example, players can use sentry planes to transport marines, and APCs can transport infantry.

The map was built around playing 6 minute turns for quick games, so that should generally be the configuration that players use. Using the 6 minute turn configuration, this is how the events should unfold:

- At turn 7, purchasable helicarrier units will become available to all nations.
- At turn 10, nukes will be purchasable for all nations.
- At turn 18, a thermal implosion bomb will become purchasable in the Icarian Empire, a country in Modnark.
- At turn 20, the Afterwind nuke will become availible in Khryov, a country in Natsoldo.

Certain countries will have special units, such as Karamiko (a country in Natsoldo) having the foreign legion unit, and the Samuderan Federated Islands (a country in Modnark) having the commando frogmen unit. I have also allowed for nations to use the lesser seen units like heavy and light tanks.

I'm sure you're now wondering:
What is the income is like for all these countries?

Well, I'll show you here:

Red = Poor income (less than 200)
Orange = Ok income (200-300)
Yellow = Good income (300-400)
Green = Great income (400+)


Natsoldo + Feminamia


Artica and Antarti are not profitible in the slightest - but they do have one city, in case you want to station some units there for your benefits and needs. Feminamia is also a low income country, but an experienced player could probably put up a decent fight with nearby Samudera.

I've also made a few presets, in case you don't want to use the whole map.

I first created this map back in 2018. I've been wanting to promote it for a while, but I never had any money to do it until now. I also intend on updating this map frequently for next few months, until my prem expires. I have updated this map in the past, but then it required me to leave for a month and then return so I could get 3 day prem again (probably also why my rank is so low).

Well, that's all I have to say about this map for now. Feedback and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
30.07.2020 - 19:39
Hello again!

I am currently making major edits to the borders in Modnark, and I will also be adding some new countries.

If you see some finicky stuff in game, then that means that the edit is still in progress.
Just a heads up.
The edit is finished, but the map is still updating. Expect to see some weird border & stuff happening in Modnark until then.
01.08.2020 - 18:59
Okay, so the map is currently broken.

I think I may have broken it from updating the borders.
I'm gonna try fixing it the best way I can, but can't make any promises.
02.08.2020 - 14:30
Alright. So the original map is totally broken.

But that's okay! I actually cloned and made further edits to the to the map, and now you can play it again.
Just click on the promoted map and use the Worldia 2.0 clone.

- Added a APC unit, lets you transport 3 infantry units for increased range
- Allowed for the Sentry Plane unit to transport 3 Marine units
- Added rivers and lakes to many countries
- Added some extra cities

I also updated the income rating pics in the first post.
03.08.2020 - 03:56
Nice guide. Maybe Natsoldo + Feminamia have too much countries with great income, dont you think other continents might be ignored because of this?
03.08.2020 - 16:46
A possibility.

But actually, Great income is anything above 300. So I should probably add a Fantastic income category for the few countries that go over 400+.
06.08.2020 - 09:29
Okay, I made several updates to the economy, which you can see in the first post.

And because the original map is no longer working, and has been demoted, I am gonna promote the 2.0 version...
...for a whole month!
05.10.2020 - 08:26
Add more nuke types please!
i would love to see an antimatter bomb.
05.10.2020 - 08:27
In say, onocarcass
haha, that sounds like 'oh no, carcass!'
like someone is pointing out a dead body
06.10.2020 - 19:35

This may be possible...
although I don't want to accidentally break the map again.

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