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Přidal Dave, 27.03.2019 - 06:30
I'm sorry to report that another DDOS attack started up early today. As of now it is still ongoing. I have once again increased our ddos protections, so you'll see more of those "checking your browser" messages for a while, until the attack stops.

I'll keep you all posted...
31.03.2019 - 14:03
Take long break from AW, or buy this game and then ban Dave for revenge.

01.04.2019 - 10:39
Well boys, it seems dave's capacity for learning is even lower than I thought. Your ban has been bypassed 10 times already, don't you get it? you niggas will never be able to ban me.

How about we make this a little more interesting. My rank 3 alt with upgrades set of 2k SP VS your rank 5 account with full upgrades set and gen. Beating me is the only way you can save yourself from playing the whack-a-mole game which obviously is unwinnable. simple enough

We play 5 times, you beat me once I go away forever, it's that simple. It's pointless to say what happens if you lose. Lets see it tough guy or is the ban hammer all you are good at?
01.04.2019 - 15:21
Napsáno BugsAltN, 01.04.2019 at 10:39

Well boys, it seems dave's capacity for learning is even lower than I thought. Your ban has been bypassed 10 times already, don't you get it? you niggas will never be able to ban me.

How about we make this a little more interesting. My rank 3 alt with upgrades set of 2k SP VS your rank 5 account with full upgrades set and gen. Beating me is the only way you can save yourself from playing the whack-a-mole game which obviously is unwinnable. simple enough

We play 5 times, you beat me once I go away forever, it's that simple. It's pointless to say what happens if you lose. Lets see it tough guy or is the ban hammer all you are good at?

We need to unban/bring back trolls like Unleashed and Tiktok to deal with retardation such as this. I'm sorry, but the culture of Toxicity kept ego maniacal dipshit like xBugs out of AtWar.
03.04.2019 - 20:01
Napsáno BugsAltN, 01.04.2019 at 10:39

Well boys, it seems dave's capacity for learning is even lower than I thought. Your ban has been bypassed 10 times already, don't you get it? you niggas will never be able to ban me.

How about we make this a little more interesting. My rank 3 alt with upgrades set of 2k SP VS your rank 5 account with full upgrades set and gen. Beating me is the only way you can save yourself from playing the whack-a-mole game which obviously is unwinnable. simple enough

We play 5 times, you beat me once I go away forever, it's that simple. It's pointless to say what happens if you lose. Lets see it tough guy or is the ban hammer all you are good at?

This entire paragraph is so cringy jesus christ... please go away. Youve lost all the sympathy people had for your sorry ass, why couldn't you write this shit when your account didn't get deleted?
You are nothing but a cocky egoistical little child, in every sense of the word A CHILD. No better then tengri who you are criticizing. Impulsive, hyperactive, non matured, unexperienced... the list goes on.

Move on kiddo. You dont need this game in your life, go try out a sport maybe, all your friends are probably playing football in the park, go there maybe?
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

04.04.2019 - 03:24
Message deleted by Dave. Reason: bugs alt
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