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20.07.2018 - 00:08

So lately we've been having trouble filling WW2, which mauzer thought it's because my banlist is so huge

But in all actuality, only 2 players are banned from the map (Leavers, with SS proof)

Anyway. Given the situation and the near-death state of AW, I propose we establish this time for all of us to gather for a WW2, this Saturday, or every Saturday even. That way we all know when and where to be, to fill the game and at least enjoy one per week or a few in a row.

I suggest 6 PM GMT, but if you think another time is better, we can change it ofc


See you Saturday in WW2,


The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

20.07.2018 - 00:14
That's 2 pm est right?

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
20.07.2018 - 00:19
Napsáno Helly, 20.07.2018 at 00:14

That's 2 pm est right?

I'm not sure

UK for example is +1 GMT. So that means 7 PM for UK
The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

20.07.2018 - 00:26
EST is 5 hours behind GMT

So 6 PM -5 = 1 PM I guess
The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

20.07.2018 - 00:40

UK - 7 PM
Germany - 8 PM
Eastern Europe - 9 PM
New York - 2 PM
The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

20.07.2018 - 03:31
Napsáno Helly, 20.07.2018 at 00:14

That's 2 pm est right?

Lol this shit makes no sense. It says EST is 5 hours behind, then shows new york as only 4 hours behind . I guess you were right, EST is 2 PM

Texas (Central time) is 1 PM. For anyone else who wants to approx, The more we go west, the more we decrease the time, but just google your country/region and GMT after it, or ask here
The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

20.07.2018 - 03:32
Central USA time 1 PM
The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

20.07.2018 - 08:37
So who will be there? Post in the thread. If this succeeds we can make it for sunday also, and/or make it a habit
The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

20.07.2018 - 11:43

Fears are strong
20.07.2018 - 13:15
Forever alone xD
20.07.2018 - 17:54
Napsáno Unleashed, 20.07.2018 at 00:08

So lately we've been having trouble filling WW2, which mauzer thought it's because my banlist is so huge

But in all actuality, only 2 players are banned from the map (Leavers, with SS proof)

lol only 2 ? funny show my ss then.
Jewing is my jew.

Kebab reich stronk

Eat kebab

Drink ayran
21.07.2018 - 05:12
Reminder. WW2 in less than 8 hours

To clear things up

Banlist info: 5 players banned from the map ( for leaving or allycapping with screenshot proof). Actually 3, but 2 of them are alts.

Only one player banned from my games (for constant trolling on the spectator chat nearly every game). These are to ensure quality of the game and remove trolls, there is no abuse of banlist at all on my maps.

Hope that clears things up

The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

21.07.2018 - 08:40
RetardLeashed http://prntscr.com/k98gqt
Jewing is my jew.

Kebab reich stronk

Eat kebab

Drink ayran
21.07.2018 - 09:09
You forgot to mention one small detail http://prntscr.com/k98q1l
The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

21.07.2018 - 09:57
If this is to happen, have Laochra host (I know he hates to). All WW2's hosted by you have failed for your negativity and immense banlist. If you ban half the ww2'ers and the other half deems you as a laughing stock, you can't possibly expect them to join your games.

Disclaimer: Take it as a constructive criticism cemented by facts.
21.07.2018 - 10:20
Quit banning everybody again unleashed;
you seem to forgot all of us who were on your banlist urged to get your account unbanned cause you promised to ''change''

that being said, dont bite the hand that feeds you
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

21.07.2018 - 10:25
Napsáno 4nic, 21.07.2018 at 10:20

Quit banning everybody again unleashed;
you seem to forgot all of us who were on your banlist urged to get your account unbanned cause you promised to ''change''

that being said, dont bite the hand that feeds you

It would do for you to read the entire thread (especially the one where I mention that only 5 players are banned, with SS proof), before jumping to conclusions or posting misinformation, cause otherwise you come across as an imbecile. "Everybody" in this case would be who? And I did do what I promised, cleared the banlist etc, but that doesn't mean I have to take shit from any random retard, Part of the change was that I will report instead of insult, but when I report someone, mods do nothing, so I just stopped reporting. Let's not forget you're a troll yourself who allycapped my cities, which was the reason I got mad at you, don't come here acting like I just ban or insult people for no reason. If we were to follow the rules you'd be banned from the WW2 map, I was kind enough to let that go.
The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

21.07.2018 - 10:33
I am organizing this for all of us, since we've seen the game has trouble starting (nothing to do with the banlist), and I don't tolerate anyone trashing this thread or my efforts.

Instead of banding with the trolls, you should be posting against them, in support of this. I'm not seeing anyone doing that.
The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

21.07.2018 - 10:36
Napsáno Unleashed, 21.07.2018 at 10:25

I am organizing this for all of us, since we've seen the game has trouble starting (nothing to do with the banlist), and I don't tolerate anyone trashing this thread or my efforts.

My disclaimer was explicitly at this. Nobody is trashing your efforts or this thread. But simply enunciating facts. WW2 never or hardly starts short-time after you host. It never does. it took you 2.5h to fill a WW2 yesterday and this week has been the same. That hasn't happened when you're not online. See the difference?

I do not want to start arguments with you, as they are pointless and I don't seek to prosecute immaturity, but there's no point in being plain rude because truth gets to you or some sort of reality lands on your lap. You mass-ban people who criticise the map (which is normal and somewhat healthy) and you shit on the same people that help fill your map (me, but you called me rp fag for no reason), you're biting the hand that feeds you and satisfies you by playing your WW2. The same hand that's feeding you and will not feed you for much longer (judging by all the corridor talk) will leave you alone playing WW2, and then you'll come blaming AtWar's baseline being dead when in reality it's your rude attitude that's killing your efforts.

I respect your effort of gathering a reunion to play WW2, as we all do, but you keep on shooting yourself on both feets, hand, face and chest, and you expect results, when it's expected you won't get any. If you were unbanned, that means people believed you would change and that we'd play with you and you with us. It seems you haven't changed much at all, and persist on being the same-old rude player who insults everybody and shouts "kill yourself" and "get aborted" when they get out-played or criticised (which is totally normal on this game).

Won't feed your anger any more, but improving yourself seems a difficult, but not impossible task, but that implies criticism and motivational bashing, which it seems you don't aprehend.

Hope this fills up and everybody can enjoy a (classical) WW2
21.07.2018 - 13:02
Napsáno sirivann, 20.07.2018 at 13:15

Forever alone xD

The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

21.07.2018 - 14:39
Event was a success
see you all next saturday, same time


The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

21.07.2018 - 14:56
Napsáno Unleashed, 21.07.2018 at 10:25

Napsáno 4nic, 21.07.2018 at 10:20

Quit banning everybody again unleashed;
you seem to forgot all of us who were on your banlist urged to get your account unbanned cause you promised to ''change''

that being said, dont bite the hand that feeds you

It would do for you to read the entire thread (especially the one where I mention that only 5 players are banned, with SS proof), before jumping to conclusions or posting misinformation, cause otherwise you come across as an imbecile. "Everybody" in this case would be who? And I did do what I promised, cleared the banlist etc, but that doesn't mean I have to take shit from any random retard, Part of the change was that I will report instead of insult, but when I report someone, mods do nothing, so I just stopped reporting. Let's not forget you're a troll yourself who allycapped my cities, which was the reason I got mad at you, don't come here acting like I just ban or insult people for no reason. If we were to follow the rules you'd be banned from the WW2 map, I was kind enough to let that go.

dont try to change the subject, when you banned me it was due to personal reasons that weve resolved.

And when i said everybody i literally mean everybody, when laochra saw your banlist you had 90% of your bans due to non game related reasons, racism, people who said stuff that triggered your little snowflake self, or just plain hate.
anyway its funny how self destructive you are.
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

21.07.2018 - 16:22
2nd game and mauzer pushing for a 3rd LOL


The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

22.07.2018 - 12:33
The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

23.07.2018 - 15:35
Guess mondays work too huh

The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

25.07.2018 - 01:13
Napsáno Don, 20.07.2018 at 11:43



28.07.2018 - 03:37
Somebody lock this
28.07.2018 - 03:41
Napsáno Asylan, 28.07.2018 at 03:37

Somebody lock this

Tunder will probably continue this with his copy of ww2.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.

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