
● Abuse of any Glitches/Bugs loopholes in the map are forbidden
● All in game map rules will apply in this tournament
● Playing multiple countries at once is forbidden
● Use of alternate accounts are forbidden

Time Per Turn: 5 minutes
● Starting Funds: 10,000
● Win Condition: Capture enemy's home country and hold it for 3 turns
● Game Duration: 500 turns

● Select Community Players will host the individual games for the tournament
● Main Organization Tool for this tournament will be Google Form/Spreadsheets and a select bracket creation tool
● Registration will be through a Google Form
● Multiple Teams of Axis & Allies will face off, through process of elimination one will emerge victorious
● All ranks are accepted, players will be grouped by TIMEZONE & RANK
● Exact Dates will be determined by all players in their block, a timeline for completion of the ENTIRE tournament will be given.
● Rewards will be a medal and possibly a premium currency
More information will be posted on a later date, once we have enough players.

Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/MQa7gLZFYnvq0SbX2
I want to say do the tournament not in night , do it in 18:00 - 19:00 because we are in school and i come from school in these hours. (Please before the tournament message all of the players in tournament when will the tournament will start) Thanks For Read. <3
Cool idea, but I think we need a Leonista ww1 tournament