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Zveřejněné: 4   Navštíveno: 83 users
10.10.2022 - 10:02
I want to rant. What am I going to rant about? The fact that experienced players use "Guest Accounts" to join new players games with a level limit. The level limit is there for a reason folks! You don't want someone with level 40 playing someone with level 2. I, as a new player am trying to learn the game and here comes someone on my newly set up game with a level limit of 4, that is playing as a guest, but is clearly very experienced in the game and defeats me in three turns. Come on folks, let's not do this, it's not fun and it doesn't promote growth. Let the new players alone.
A New Player
10.10.2022 - 13:26
Napsáno Jim14, 10.10.2022 at 10:02

I want to rant. What am I going to rant about? The fact that experienced players use "Guest Accounts" to join new players games with a level limit. The level limit is there for a reason folks! You don't want someone with level 40 playing someone with level 2. I, as a new player am trying to learn the game and here comes someone on my newly set up game with a level limit of 4, that is playing as a guest, but is clearly very experienced in the game and defeats me in three turns. Come on folks, let's not do this, it's not fun and it doesn't promote growth. Let the new players alone.
A New Player

I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. Most of the time, these "Smurf" players make rash decisions, and as you get to play the game more- you will find they are easy to counter.

They usually just take advantage at the fact that you don't know how to wall properly, or rush units to attack.
11.10.2022 - 04:16
 Mobster (Mod)
Does this happen frequently?
11.10.2022 - 04:18
 brianwl (Admin)
Napsáno Jim14, 10.10.2022 at 10:02

... experienced players use "Guest Accounts" to join new players games with a level limit..... Let the new players alone.
A New Player

If this happens while a mod or supporter is available, let us know and we can try to help. There aren't a lot of low conduct players like this, but there are enough to spoil games for beginners, so let us know. Mods/supporters don't hang out in the beginner's games, so you will need to inform us when this happens.

You can also report the player. This won't help right away, but it will allow mods to address the situation, which can prevent further recurrences.


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