Získej Prémium pro odstranění všech reklam
Zveřejněné: 3   Navštíveno: 40 users
13.01.2014 - 23:12
I think it would be cool to add a sort of research aspect to games. Research can be conduct with a tab or so and perhaps by creating positionable research labs in a country which can then make researchers or scientists. Then the research tab is similar to the units,players, or finance tabs or even possibly like the city reinforcements tab. By doing this would add a new layer to the game which can be used inside the game and allow for small boosts and upgrades making battles more personable and allow for a simple battle of 4 tanks vs. 4 tanks have a more stacked outcome on one side because of a players research. This would open a huge part of the game and may have already been suggested and I would really like to see this be an aspect of the game. Feel free to comment and expand upon the idea.
Only the weak shall fall
14.01.2014 - 07:57
Casual maybe idk, but don't think in quick someone would have the time for that.
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

17.01.2014 - 14:49
Yes, it would be a good addition. In general terms, I think that a whole new 'buildings' panel and aspect of the game would be great.

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