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19.04.2013 - 04:27
There has been a lot of talk over the years about restructuring CW. I think it needs to change but I am unsure about the best way to do it. Firstly I think a more properly organised competition is required.

A restructuring I have thought about is borrowing from football leagues and how they organise games to find the best team. We should have a league table where registered teams play against each other according to a fixture... say you play each team twice. Then at the end of the season we can see the best performing team. In addition to this we should co-currently run a 'Cup' tournament where by teams play each other in a tournament fixture where each match is a knock-out. The 2 finalists play in the Cup Final to determine the Cup Winner.

Hopefully when there are a lot of Clans the league could consist of Divisions and the changing of Division is based on the last 2 teams of 1st Division get relegated to Div 2 and the first 2 teams of Div 2 move up to Div 1... third last of Div 1 plays third place of Div 2 to see which team gets the chance to play in the 1st Div... I am sure you are all aware of this process! There is one Cup Tournament open to all Divisions.

Teams that fail to play their matches will be penalised (by not getting points)... I think 1 week is ample time to play 1 match against one team. If Team X proves to have tried to play and Team Y hasn't made the effort then Team X would get the points.

Ideas, thoughts, suggestions...
19.04.2013 - 04:33
I don't feel Teams that fail to play should be penalized in any way but other than that it seems like a good idea to me.
19.04.2013 - 04:41
There has to be some sort of penalty, because otherwise teams could rig the system by not playing some of their games... The idea is to find the best by every team playing each other twice
19.04.2013 - 05:35
I just checked our clans. we have 15 coalitions, which would be able to compete in such a system.
That doesn't mean that all clans what to be in.
Another problem that might occur is the time zone. While some clans are concentrated on EU, others are concentrated on US.

So if we make a new system you have to consider these 2 points.

If we make a league system like you propose it (what i support ofc), then we need more active clans.

to archieve this (attention, this should be in the ideas and suggestions forum, but i will still post it here) we could maybe create a dialog, when a user reaches rank 3+ (and is currently without a clan), where are proposed 3 clans, what fit to his rank. For instance if a clan just accepts people from rank 5+. then this clan will not be listed here. (btw this could also be a usage of clan PC)

if you click on an image of a clan then you might apply to them directly. You could make such an hover effect like on the start screen and the open games. There you can get some informations of the clan, like how many members, min rank, founder,....

I think with this, there will be more active members too. Because then you see 'whooop something happens -> nice'. And more active member --> more active clans for the league system (to come back on topic)

19.04.2013 - 06:07
Topic moved...

as stated a week is a long time to play a game and clans consist of more than a few people. Clans could use all their members to be able to play each match... A league is a battle of endurance and team depth
19.04.2013 - 06:51
Perhaps a trial league with your proposal using the 6 most active clans at the moment can be run. I suggest a 2 day event Sat and Sunday preferably 5pm-11pm GMT, peak time Europe and afternoon USA.

3 games is the max you can expect in a day realistically. meaning you will play all the others over the course of the weekend.

The reason I suggest a trial run is that if changes to the coalition system are to be implemented then we need to ensure that they are workable and fair to all involved.

The main problem I can see with a league type system however is the dominance of top clans, we could actually mistakenly decrease active clans as most 'competitive' players will seek those that have a chance of winning more (even more so then now) and the new or less competitive clans will have no need for existence.
19.04.2013 - 10:04
How about this way:

When the season starts, every CLN registered on the league has to play every other CLN for 2 games. Then, on the CLN page, there should be something like this:

2 matches left against Dalmati
2 matches left against Empire SRB
2 matches left against Stalins Martians

Then the CLNs can schedule the match themselves. Each win would be +3 points, losses +1 and forfeit no points. Then at the end of the season there should be a Top4 elimination tournament done in one weekend or two, organized by the mods.

We could also change the CLN leaving method too. If a player leaves a registered CLN and joins another, he is unable to CW for that CLN during that season.
Napsáno Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
19.04.2013 - 10:45
I like pulse suggestion a lot. This way we could make a real league system.
But i think the cup should run with all the active clans, not just the top 4.

Yes and the rules with leaving a cln and not being able to participate in clans for this season sounds also good

I think we should start a "beta league" like bonker suggested, where just 6 or 8 clan participate and during this time, we will maybe find some weaknesses and how to improve then.

19.04.2013 - 11:08
Yep, I like a bit from all the suggestions
19.04.2013 - 11:37
I like Pulse's idea except I would much rather the tournament be expanded to an 8 Coalition single elimination tournament at the end. Trophies being awarded to regular season champion, tournament champion and tournament runner up.

Also, I do not like the idea of restricting a player from being able to CW for another coalition simply because he switched clans.
"In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards."

"In this game, everyone is hated."
19.04.2013 - 11:47
Napsáno Spart, 19.04.2013 at 11:37

Also, I do not like the idea of restricting a player from being able to CW for another coalition simply because he switched clans.

Then I'd like to suggest that instead of having to wait 2 days to join a cln, he has to wait 2 days to play a CW for that CLN (and 2 days to have access to the forums, or an arbitrary amount of days set up by the CLN). How does that sound?
Napsáno Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
19.04.2013 - 12:03
Teams in a league should be fewer and bigger, much like houses. In cws the same trusted 4/5 people plays.
Also, the league is gonna take a really long time to find which clan you are playing, whether you/ them have your preferred members online etc.

I still stand by a 4 House system running parallel to the current one using a game cap per day/week then calculating points proportional to games played.

More info HERE
19.04.2013 - 12:05
There are a lot of idea's that i have about this. I would like to notice everyone that there are a lot of other competitions on the internet that DO work (also with less clans). Check clanbase.com or eslleague how it works. You don't have to invent the wheel if there already is one. But if Dave wants to make it a more football league system then Pulse idea is very good. Teams can sign up every season and have to play against all coalitions (i don't think twice is needed though). Signing up should only be possible at the start of a season and not during a season. The problem is still, that if a coalition loses its first 3 matches, there is a big chance it will just refuse to play all the remaining coalitions. So there needs to be a penalty for the coalition like: -1 point for every match not played, and with 5 or more matches not played, you are excluded from the next season.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
19.04.2013 - 12:11
What abaut clan wars in world game 10 players vs 10 players or 5vs5 look more intersting then standard 3vs3 in eu+ ,more players will got chance to play cw.
19.04.2013 - 12:47
Pulse's suggestion is a good one since it properly incentivizes weaker clans to play tougher opponents. There is still room for a little abuse since I could see a weak clan giving up their 1 point to deny a clan 3 points. Then again maybe diplomacy should be part of CW.

I'm still feel like the most simple solution is the best. A weekly CW tournament, set during hours of high traffic. Some people might not be able to participate due to their schedule in real life, but maybe the time slot can be changed up on occasion rewarding bigger houses for having a more diverse member base and also letting different clan members participate.

I'm thinking we don't want to have more than 8 clans in a tournament or 3 rounds. That is already a 3 hour commitment. To determine which clan's are invited we can use Pulse's point system. Each CW throughout the week gives +1 point while a win grants an additional +2. At the end of the week, the 8 clans with the most points have a slot open to them. Or even more simple, just having 8 slots available for first come first serve.

To get more participation from different clan members, I like avatar's idea of having a 5 v 5 every now and then, or there could be a second tourni going on at the same time as a 'B' league.

At the end of a season the teams with the most wins get to participate in a 'cup' tournaments

Great to have you bring this up abfahren! Hopefully something simple/straighforward can be put together. I was online during a tearsfears vs Syndicate CW last week and a bunch of people (myself included) had stopped playing to watch the game. It was a lot of fun.
He always runs while others walk. He acts while other men just talk. He looks at this world and wants it all. So he strikes like Thunderball.
19.04.2013 - 14:03
Napsáno notserral, 19.04.2013 at 11:47

Napsáno Spart, 19.04.2013 at 11:37

Also, I do not like the idea of restricting a player from being able to CW for another coalition simply because he switched clans.

Then I'd like to suggest that instead of having to wait 2 days to join a cln, he has to wait 2 days to play a CW for that CLN (and 2 days to have access to the forums, or an arbitrary amount of days set up by the CLN). How does that sound?

That sounds much better. Would definitely get behind it.
"In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards."

"In this game, everyone is hated."
19.04.2013 - 15:45
 Acquiesce (Mod)
This is sort of unrelated to the main idea but I really like Safari's suggestion of pushing lower ranks into joining a clan. A lot of the time lower ranks don't even know how to join a clan or see no benefit in doing so.
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
19.04.2013 - 16:54
The real problem is the activity issue, and also the will of players who actually want to sit down and organize a cw. The second issue is whether or not the recipient whose been offered to cw will accept. Aw still has a long way to go before it can sustain a strong, structured cw system.

Aside from the issues, I like the original idea proposed in this thread. I think match fixtures would be key for an increment in activity and also creating a sustainable cw system that will succeed. Scheduling matches, I say, would be a huge benefit for the continuation of this viability. A change is surely needed in this department of the game, and fast.

I very much like the majority of the ideas proposed in the above, particularly Safari's idea. It would be extremely beneficial for this system if low ranks received a message box displaying to them the various available coalitions etc.

I support.
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
19.04.2013 - 18:48
You should inquire about devil's suggestion for cws
03.05.2013 - 10:00
We also have to make "losing cws" less punishing. Right now everyone will only CW if their best is online or if they have the rank advantage. We should also make it easier to setup CWs, seeing as right now we need planets to align to get a CW.

  • Option to allow regular CLN Members to start their own CWs.
  • Remove requirement for officers or leaders being present in both sides of the CW - this way, if one CLN wants to CW and it has an Officer, it can arrange a CW with another that has no Officers online. If the option above was enabled, there could be CWs with no officers or leaders on either side.
  • Remove Losses from CLN page, leave only CW Wins, and display them on the left side bar like: Coalition War Victories: X
  • Violently buff SP gain from CWs. The avg SP gain from a CW is around 200~300 SP. I suggest we triple that, to make CW the faster way to get it (thus more people will want to be a part of the competitive community).
  • ----
    Napsáno Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

    I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
    03.05.2013 - 16:17
    Also other ideas:

  • Add a column of 'Last CW played'
  • Remove CLNs that haven't played a CW in more than 30d from the CLN front page
  • ----
    Napsáno Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

    I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
    26.06.2013 - 03:00
    Účet vymazán
    Cw system needs big Update...
    26.06.2013 - 03:15
    Napsáno notserral, 03.05.2013 at 10:00

    We also have to make "losing cws" less punishing. Right now everyone will only CW if their best is online or if they have the rank advantage. We should also make it easier to setup CWs, seeing as right now we need planets to align to get a CW.

  • Option to allow regular CLN Members to start their own CWs.
  • Remove requirement for officers or leaders being present in both sides of the CW - this way, if one CLN wants to CW and it has an Officer, it can arrange a CW with another that has no Officers online. If the option above was enabled, there could be CWs with no officers or leaders on either side.
  • Remove Losses from CLN page, leave only CW Wins, and display them on the left side bar like: Coalition War Victories: X
  • Violently buff SP gain from CWs. The avg SP gain from a CW is around 200~300 SP. I suggest we triple that, to make CW the faster way to get it (thus more people will want to be a part of the competitive community).

  • support

    atWar Radio<3

    play for fun, just for fun.
    28.06.2013 - 06:38
    Soo is this being improved or was it just talked about?
    01.07.2013 - 16:37
    Napsáno Cpt.Magic, 28.06.2013 at 06:38

    Soo is this being improved or was it just talked about?

    Amok,Ivan And Dave Are Workin On It
    Believe you can and you're halfway there
    01.07.2013 - 18:10
    Napsáno Funtime, 01.07.2013 at 16:37

    Napsáno Cpt.Magic, 28.06.2013 at 06:38

    Soo is this being improved or was it just talked about?

    Amok,Ivan And Dave Are Workin On It

    Is that so? I spoke with Amok and he said has no plans of doing so. Please elaborate.
    20.10.2013 - 08:29
    Brilliant idea ! Support.

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