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02.09.2014 - 17:55
I have come to the conclusion that for the most part I am dealing with children or some adults who clearly have deep rooted self esteem issues and attempt to use this medium to compensate for it. I will attempt go be as concise as I can (this may be very challenging).

Napsáno Tundy, 02.09.2014 at 09:29

Because we are gonna follow state of minds example, and cw only training clans.
We played evol, this fact alone already negates your claim so I will not venture further. We DECLINED to play bactria since there was absolutely no way we could match ranks with ranks 1and 4, and on principle because at the time I believed bactria was set up for the purpose of farming. I will also note that a some of our detractors had no problem playing bactria.. and well that is their choice.

My coalition is a very new group which began with members that the community like to call "noob" and it was necessary to take my time while introducing them to competitive play, to that end our first couple cw's were actually casual games.This allowed a pressure free environment where the basics could be learnt.The only two coalitions interested in such an arrangement at the time were United Power and United We Stand so I set about making the necessary arrangements.
Shortly after my correspondence with Devil a couple members of my coalition and I went on a short vacation,on our return UWS was no more so unfortunately we did not play them. Mou offered the first opportunity for us to play a reg fast time cw and we graciously accepted. We would eventually go on to cw evol a few more times in the season; attempts were made to arrange more but at various times it simply did not work and we understood and moved on.We continued to work on our game seeking out cw's where possible.

My early disappointment came when at approximately the 15-16th of the previous month I attempted to arrange cw's with Illyria but was met with refusal. I did not let initial disappointment stop me, I repeatedly made requests only to be denied.One of main reasons constantly cited was CT,hence this message:

At the same time we were having various discussions with CT but they never resulted in actual cw's in my frustration of attempting to cw but constantly being denied I created the now infamous thread "What the cw season has become" where I shared some thoughts. Subsequent to the creation of this thread various members of CT messaged me and attempted to rectify their perceived image. This even led to a few jokes being shared and innate trolling me but I realized it was in good fun that he did it . The following were the responses of some members of the community and in particular members of illyria:

Steve aoki:



These were your responses. I posted once on a thread which exceeded sixty posts so the truth is the community did most of the speaking. It is unfortunate that I did not take more SS a while back, I could not imagine that I would have to use SS for everything someone says as evidence later on. The reality of the matter is Illyria were only concerned with their position a while back and could care less about a cw against us, citing whatever reasons pleased them at the time. Fast forward a short while later people like Laochra want to lead the charge demanding various things. To rectify the situation of SOM not playing against "top" sides as you want to say it, you could have simply played us. Sadly enough we were even still making attempts to possibly play Illyria near season's end but as I explained to you in pr my goodwill has been exhausted. I do not believe I will provide any more proof of anything or more justification. All truthful parties involved will know we offered cw's. My goal is to develop a proper coalition and I do not care to please any single individual or group. We try to ensure all our members can play and yes this involves playing groups others wish to look down upon, WE MATCH RANKS whenever possible and in quite a few instances end up being the team with the lower ranks. There are those who have an elitist mentality and walk around declaring who is worthy and who is not, I am not a subject nor do I require your approval. Lest certain individuals forget I have experienced an Illyria clan chat, I know how this blame game works. I guess it was Mou's fault the last time,maybe it is now my turn and to some extent Innate if I am to believe your utterances. Whose fault will it be next season. The fact is Illyria has NO TROPHY IN 2 SEASONS deal with it. Better yet go through life always blaming someone else. Next time some of you ppl wish to message me I only want to see two words/letters: CW? However please remember SOM does not march to the beat of your drum nor responds immediately at your request.
"When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you."
― Stephen Richards
02.09.2014 - 18:04
No comment, cause I value friendship too much.
It's not the end.

02.09.2014 - 18:09
To hazardous :::Innate didnt spoke in the name of CT ever. So if you had pms or arrangements with innate, that doesn't nean you had them with Ct. No other Ct member was aware of these which i just read here

02.09.2014 - 18:26
Silent i had you as clanmate in both MK and Illyria i believe.I know you are not dumb in fact you are educated and smart.Therefore you knew 100% this would happen.You stole the season from 5 clans who busted their arse all season playing each other every single day, when you and your new clan played 5 noob clans and thats it.Its simple really.And it disgusts me also.No mercy.No matter how many posts you make and how you put it, the community is gonna throw tomatoes on you for a looong time.You knew this would happen, so take it like a man,It is NOT gonna change any time soon, trust me on this one.And you sure as hell deserve it.

p.s. dont make me post another gif..
02.09.2014 - 18:48
Napsáno Silent One_deleted, 02.09.2014 at 17:55

you declined cw from illyria up until the 3 days where we ceased cwing after hitting 19:1, even after ivans reset of mks victory rating crimson tide still had every chance of going 20:0 on their current trajectory. yet it was then that you were suddenly interested in an illyria cw. call me a cynic but i do not believe in coincidences.

yet then you came to the forums with quite an ascerbic attack on illyria. Apparently we were the worst clan in the world for not cwing when you demanded. Note that i had never outright declined a cw vs state of mind. i had actually every intention of cwing you guys once i was convinced crimson tide had failed. if joed or acqui had declined well then this was without my knowlege. but i doubt they too wouldve had any issue once the crimson tide threat was put aside.

indeed we continued cwing ultimately to our own downfall, but i never attempted to blame anyone other than ourselves, but i did attack your hypocrisy in initiallly making that forum thread only for your clan to do exactly what you criticised us for doing.

i also challenge the level of the cws you played with which to acquire the number 1 position. Frankly i never agreed with your decision to refuse cws vs illyria and mk, its the only way to learn challenging the best clans. I can only assume this was to protect your clans win/loss ratio. You wont ever improve playing against the clans you guys have. Illyria took heavy losses vs mk in our early days. And you infinity macattack and kurd army are certainly no noobs. but in the final few days of the season you had the chance to play illyria as you had so vehemently demanded and prove your right to number 1, but you declinded, instead opting to play against united power. whether or not your previous cws vs other clans was a contrived attempt at number 1 is debateable. but that last week of this season soured my opinion of you and your clan.

state of mind and crimson tide have shown me what people will do to take number 1, well i can tell you this, if illyria go 19:1 again, we will stop cwing, even if we do it by next week, and no amount of forum threads or accusations will change that. i could use an aw break anyway. while i once enjoyed the competition of the clan wars season i now find it a chore, and without cws ill have little reason to log on as i find little fun elsewhere on aw annymore.

ps .and if we do go 19:1 again btw, itll be as we have always done it, by taking every cw request that comes our way on every map.

consider this my final comment on all this bs too.
02.09.2014 - 18:51
Nice ~Pinheiro lock a threat and a new one come.

Trinig, just leave them mad. You dont need to give explains, specially to jealous people. Also you already know this type of post will only make more flaming wars between clans. Just let them talk what they want, State of Minds already proved to beat illyria and the other clans with the same system. No need to argue about it.

EDIT: just check laochra's threat. LOL. he dont even care about it. Why should you care then? just ignore and move on. As laochra say, Illyria will do the same. Leave the other clans cry alone on forums. If you dont reply they will eventually stop. BUT if you reply then they will grow ¡...
02.09.2014 - 19:07
Napsáno clovis1122, 02.09.2014 at 18:51

Nice ~Pinheiro lock a threat and a new one come.

Trinig, just leave them mad. You dont need to give explains, specially to jealous people. Also you already know this type of post will only make more flaming wars between clans. Just let them talk what they want, State of Minds already proved to beat illyria and the other clans with the same system. No need to argue about it.

i had enough of you.shut your fucking mouth finally will you?whenever Illyria is mentioned you come like a dog barking.stop stalking us, get a life.the only one jealus is you, cause lao and syrian farms you on duels and then you come here on the forums to take your revenge.pathetic.
02.09.2014 - 19:14
Napsáno clovis1122, 02.09.2014 at 19:08

Napsáno Khal.eesi, 02.09.2014 at 19:07

the only one jealus is you, cause lao and syrian farms you on duels and then you come here on the forums to take your revenge.pathetic.

This. I think you should stop talking for other people, as not laochra nor syrian will agree with you. Now, you wanna duel me?

sure why not.eu,africa,china,usa,indonesia?
02.09.2014 - 19:18
Napsáno clovis1122, 02.09.2014 at 19:17

Napsáno Khal.eesi, 02.09.2014 at 19:14

sure why not.eu,africa,china,usa,indonesia?

you only won North America to me. I won everything else

but I am willing to duel you again there if you give me rematch.

really?if i remember we are 3-3.u gonna make me search my duels now?
02.09.2014 - 19:23
Napsáno clovis1122, 02.09.2014 at 19:20

Napsáno Khal.eesi, 02.09.2014 at 19:18

Napsáno clovis1122, 02.09.2014 at 19:17

Napsáno Khal.eesi, 02.09.2014 at 19:14

sure why not.eu,africa,china,usa,indonesia?

you only won North America to me. I won everything else

but I am willing to duel you again there if you give me rematch.

really?if i remember we are 3-3.u gonna make me search my duels now?

Agree. Do it. My memory only remember you beating me on North America and me winning on South america, middle east and africa. I remember we also played china but idk who won.

yeah 3-3.i think i won north america,china and indonesia..
02.09.2014 - 20:01
Napsáno clovis1122, 02.09.2014 at 19:29

Napsáno Khal.eesi, 02.09.2014 at 19:23

Napsáno clovis1122, 02.09.2014 at 19:20

Napsáno Khal.eesi, 02.09.2014 at 19:18

Napsáno clovis1122, 02.09.2014 at 19:17

Napsáno Khal.eesi, 02.09.2014 at 19:14

sure why not.eu,africa,china,usa,indonesia?

you only won North America to me. I won everything else

but I am willing to duel you again there if you give me rematch.

really?if i remember we are 3-3.u gonna make me search my duels now?

Agree. Do it. My memory only remember you beating me on North America and me winning on South america, middle east and africa. I remember we also played china but idk who won.

yeah 3-3.i think i won north america,china and indonesia..

fuck sadly you are right. Now let count europe duels HUEHUEHUEHEUHEUH GG.

ok lets count the europe ones...these would be....... 2-2. GG!
02.09.2014 - 20:03

I had not intending more writing but here you go again, this is simply in the name of correctness. I requoted you again, since your memory seems to fail easily, let me help you focus for a moment . YOU WROTE THE ABOVE QUOTE! Which simply supports the times you actually DENIED cw. (Again I did not know I would have to SS everything you say . Any statement contrary to this is ABSOLUTE FALSEHOOD . Can this first part actually register?If not then proceeding is pointless. You and your clan refused to play us this season, which is the truth and you admitted it. Hence any subsequent statements contrary to this ESTABLISHED FACT , is false, and their implications carry no bearing. So you need to delete statements like:

"Note that i had never outright declined a cw vs state of mind." "your decision to refuse cws vs illyria" .

Our failure to cw Mk is an issue you have absolutely NO INFORMATION regarding so again I kindly advise, please refrain from commenting on matters you have no knowledge of !
" state of mind and crimson..tide..." Reverting to the usual again, looking for a distraction, placing attention on another party. There is clear evidence demonstrating you refused to cw State of Mind and were unapologetic about it , yet you continue to contradict yourself ad nauseam.

"well i can tell you this, if illyria go 19:1 again, we will stop cwing, even if we do it by next week, and no amount of forum threads or accusations will change that."

If this is your course of action, then by all means you are entitled to it but do not seek to find some precedent to enable your actions. You may do so the same way you have done things before "in the best interest of your coalition, seeking the best for yourselves". Maybe being able to attract more members ... stop MK and SM stealing your members etc.. , just a few of the reasons you outlined this season. Also bear in mind if you choose to do so and leave, then we are once more unable to cw against you, I just wish to remind you that it is a bit difficult to cw clans of a certain" ilk" if they are unavailable for cw. 'Commoners' such as ourselves can only cw those gracious enough to allow us

Also " all this bs ". If this is all you bring to arguments when substantiated facts are demonstrated then slip and slide and have fun or whatever pleases his majesty. Hope the community wont accuse me of farming because when it comes to a logical debate I am not certain I can match ranks with you.
"When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you."
― Stephen Richards
02.09.2014 - 20:22
 Acquiesce (Mod)
To quote the wise SF

Funny that people are still arguing about this when the season is over. Give it a rest
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
02.09.2014 - 20:33
Napsáno Silent One_deleted, 02.09.2014 at 20:03

Also " all this bs ". If this is all you bring to arguments when substantiated facts are demonstrated then slip and slide and have fun or whatever pleases his majesty. Hope the community wont accuse me of farming because when it comes to a logical debate I am not certain I can match ranks with you.

your posts are full of fallacies, but unfortunately nobody has time for you now.anyway.


1.united power,chill on ice,dynamite,mandate are super weak clans
2.winterfell,opti was mediocre clan
3.8/20 of yourcws was against super weak clans
4.6/20 of your cws was against mediocre clans
5.you played only 20 cws in the whole season
6.it is universally accepted by the majority in the community, that a clan that played only 20 cws of which 12/20 against weak/mediocre clans does not deserve n1 trophy


you do not deserve the trophy
02.09.2014 - 20:46
Sry, this post was just to bother Desus. I didn't mean anything by it. I have no position on the debate in this thread.
02.09.2014 - 20:57
Napsáno Kaliraa, 02.09.2014 at 20:46

Napsáno Khal.eesi, 02.09.2014 at 20:33

Napsáno Silent One_deleted, 02.09.2014 at 20:03

Also " all this bs ". If this is all you bring to arguments when substantiated facts are demonstrated then slip and slide and have fun or whatever pleases his majesty. Hope the community wont accuse me of farming because when it comes to a logical debate I am not certain I can match ranks with you.

your posts are full of fallacies, but unfortunately nobody has time for you now.anyway.


1.united power,chill on ice,dynamite,mandate are super weak clans
2.winterfell,opti was mediocre clan
3.8/20 of yourcws was against super weak clans
4.6/20 of your cws was against mediocre clans
5.you played only 20 cws in the whole season
6.it is universally accepted by the majority in the community, that a clan that played only 20 cws of which 12/20 against weak/mediocre clans does not deserve n1 trophy


you do not deserve the trophy

So much for the idea that Win/Loss ratio is the only thing that matters, huh?


yeah win/losses offcourse...when it comes to the normal competitive strong clans.Cwing training clans and noobs is something we never even imagined...
02.09.2014 - 21:00
Napsáno Silent One_deleted, 02.09.2014 at 20:03


I had not intending more writing but here you go again, this is simply in the name of correctness. I requoted you again, since your memory seems to fail easily, let me help you focus for a moment . YOU WROTE THE ABOVE QUOTE! Which simply supports the times you actually DENIED cw. (Again I did not know I would have to SS everything you say . Any statement contrary to this is ABSOLUTE FALSEHOOD . Can this first part actually register?If not then proceeding is pointless. You and your clan refused to play us this season, which is the truth and you admitted it. Hence any subsequent statements contrary to this ESTABLISHED FACT , is false, and their implications carry no bearing. So you need to delete statements like:

"Note that i had never outright declined a cw vs state of mind." "your decision to refuse cws vs illyria" .

Our failure to cw Mk is an issue you have absolutely NO INFORMATION regarding so again I kindly advise, please refrain from commenting on matters you have no knowledge of !
" state of mind and crimson..tide..." Reverting to the usual again, looking for a distraction, placing attention on another party. There is clear evidence demonstrating you refused to cw State of Mind and were unapologetic about it , yet you continue to contradict yourself ad nauseam.

"well i can tell you this, if illyria go 19:1 again, we will stop cwing, even if we do it by next week, and no amount of forum threads or accusations will change that."

If this is your course of action, then by all means you are entitled to it but do not seek to find some precedent to enable your actions. You may do so the same way you have done things before "in the best interest of your coalition, seeking the best for yourselves". Maybe being able to attract more members ... stop MK and SM stealing your members etc.. , just a few of the reasons you outlined this season. Also bear in mind if you choose to do so and leave, then we are once more unable to cw against you, I just wish to remind you that it is a bit difficult to cw clans of a certain" ilk" if they are unavailable for cw. 'Commoners' such as ourselves can only cw those gracious enough to allow us

Also " all this bs ". If this is all you bring to arguments when substantiated facts are demonstrated then slip and slide and have fun or whatever pleases his majesty. Hope the community wont accuse me of farming because when it comes to a logical debate I am not certain I can match ranks with you.

did you read the rest of the post from which you took that quote from? and the context in which it was written? i said i willnot apologise for not cwing you for the rest of the season, and indeed i would not have apologised. How is that an outright denial? at the end of that very post in included this.

"ps i hadnt responded to your mail because we might still cw you guys, but im waiting to see how CTs farming goes, whatever happens this season i do NOT want to see them winning. if it becomes apparent that crimson have no hope of winning then by all means, we'll cw you guys."

and whether i have information on whether or not you guys would cw mk is irrelevant, you had 3 months, and no cws vs mk, the proofs in the pudding.
02.09.2014 - 21:08
Napsáno clovis1122, 02.09.2014 at 19:08

Napsáno Khal.eesi, 02.09.2014 at 19:07

the only one jealus is you, cause lao and syrian farms you on duels and then you come here on the forums to take your revenge.pathetic.

This. I think you should stop talking for other people, as not laochra nor syrian will agree with you. I think you are just trying to compare us, so we eventually fight for be the best. Sorry, not going to happen. Now, wanna duel?

clovis werent you the very one asking who was better out of me you and syrian in the clan war lobby the other evening?

Napsáno clovis1122, 02.09.2014 at 20:26

Support! tell Laochra to stop <3

youre part of the problem, you cant resist wandering into threads just to contradict people, post nonsense and most annoyingly of all, attempt to play the part of the calm reasonable guy whos a friend to all.

when actually, if clovis didnt post at all other than his guides, the forums would be a much happier place lol.

ps and oh, with no false modesty, great players as you both are. i am the better out of you and syrian. i have demonstrated this on many occasions.
02.09.2014 - 21:16
Napsáno Khal.eesi, 02.09.2014 at 20:33

Napsáno Silent One_deleted, 02.09.2014 at 20:03

Also " all this bs ". If this is all you bring to arguments when substantiated facts are demonstrated then slip and slide and have fun or whatever pleases his majesty. Hope the community wont accuse me of farming because when it comes to a logical debate I am not certain I can match ranks with you.

your posts are full of fallacies, but unfortunately nobody has time for you now.anyway.


1.united power,chill on ice,dynamite,mandate are super weak clans
2.winterfell,opti was mediocre clan
3.8/20 of yourcws was against super weak clans
4.6/20 of your cws was against mediocre clans
5.you played only 20 cws in the whole season
6.it is universally accepted by the majority in the community, that a clan that played only 20 cws of which 12/20 against weak/mediocre clans does not deserve n1 trophy


you do not deserve the trophy

Dynamite is hardly a "Super weak clan", as I remember 3 high rank players were on that team, and we cwed for like 2 days, then now merged with EC, dont count a clan as "Super Weak" just because they CWed 4 times, sorry but then you are super weak this season, cause only 3 CWs, and you lost 2 of them.
02.09.2014 - 21:16
Napsáno Permamuted, 02.09.2014 at 21:00

Napsáno Silent One_deleted, 02.09.2014 at 20:03


I had not intending more writing but here you go again, this is simply in the name of correctness. I requoted you again, since your memory seems to fail easily, let me help you focus for a moment . YOU WROTE THE ABOVE QUOTE! Which simply supports the times you actually DENIED cw. (Again I did not know I would have to SS everything you say . Any statement contrary to this is ABSOLUTE FALSEHOOD . Can this first part actually register?If not then proceeding is pointless. You and your clan refused to play us this season, which is the truth and you admitted it. Hence any subsequent statements contrary to this ESTABLISHED FACT , is false, and their implications carry no bearing. So you need to delete statements like:

"Note that i had never outright declined a cw vs state of mind." "your decision to refuse cws vs illyria" .

Our failure to cw Mk is an issue you have absolutely NO INFORMATION regarding so again I kindly advise, please refrain from commenting on matters you have no knowledge of !
" state of mind and crimson..tide..." Reverting to the usual again, looking for a distraction, placing attention on another party. There is clear evidence demonstrating you refused to cw State of Mind and were unapologetic about it , yet you continue to contradict yourself ad nauseam.

"well i can tell you this, if illyria go 19:1 again, we will stop cwing, even if we do it by next week, and no amount of forum threads or accusations will change that."

If this is your course of action, then by all means you are entitled to it but do not seek to find some precedent to enable your actions. You may do so the same way you have done things before "in the best interest of your coalition, seeking the best for yourselves". Maybe being able to attract more members ... stop MK and SM stealing your members etc.. , just a few of the reasons you outlined this season. Also bear in mind if you choose to do so and leave, then we are once more unable to cw against you, I just wish to remind you that it is a bit difficult to cw clans of a certain" ilk" if they are unavailable for cw. 'Commoners' such as ourselves can only cw those gracious enough to allow us

Also " all this bs ". If this is all you bring to arguments when substantiated facts are demonstrated then slip and slide and have fun or whatever pleases his majesty. Hope the community wont accuse me of farming because when it comes to a logical debate I am not certain I can match ranks with you.

did you read the rest of the post from which you took that quote from? and the context in which it was written? i said i willnot apologise for not cwing you for the rest of the season, and indeed i would not have apologised. How is that an outright denial? at the end of that very post in included this.

"ps i hadnt responded to your mail because we might still cw you guys, but im waiting to see how CTs farming goes, whatever happens this season i do NOT want to see them winning. if it becomes apparent that crimson have no hope of winning then by all means, we'll cw you guys."

and whether i have information on whether or not you guys would cw mk is irrelevant, you had 3 months, and no cws vs mk, the proofs in the pudding.

As i told you 1000000000 times we were mot farming only cwing the clans who accepted our cw request. How many times we asked illyria for cw and you guys chickened out???? Too bad for you that ct got #2 and you got #5. Dnt worry maybe youll be lucky this season

02.09.2014 - 21:19
Napsáno Acquiesce, 02.09.2014 at 20:22

To quote the wise SF

Funny that people are still arguing about this when the season is over. Give it a rest

Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
02.09.2014 - 21:20
Napsáno AlBoZzZ, 02.09.2014 at 21:16

As i told you 1000000000 times we were mot farming only cwing the clans who accepted our cw request. How many times we asked illyria for cw and you guys chickened out???? Too bad for you that ct got #2 and you got #5. Dnt worry maybe youll be lucky this season

oh look lets have this argument again!!

19:1 and 3.3 comp sunshine, that was our season. read it and weep. even by farming noob clans your clan still couldnt manage 19:1. what a joke
02.09.2014 - 21:22
Napsáno clovis1122, 02.09.2014 at 21:19

Napsáno Permamuted, 02.09.2014 at 21:08

i am the better out of you and syrian. i have demonstrated this on many occasions.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Nice lie. But I find stupid to argue about who is the best. I also though you think the same, but it seems khal influenced you a lot and now you want the emply title for claim you're best that syrian or me.

ON TOPIC: The problem is you, laochra *cough sorry for be so direct* . Why you just dont stop?

Even ~Acquiesce, founder of illyria already say to let it go. Why should you care about what other's people think about illyria? Why are you arguing in every single post? Just stop commenting. Stop putting names. Relax and learn to ignore. Acqui is founder and he is not even caring about this type of post. WHY YOU NEED TO CARE ABOUT IT?

Napsáno Permamuted, 02.09.2014 at 18:48

consider this my final comment on all this bs too.

Nice lie. Consider your 1st post in this threat as your final post and you still keep posting?


if its so empty a title then why do you keep going on and on about whos better? and ive no interest in any title anyway, im merely stating a fact.

also why dont you TRY TAKING YOUR OWN ADVICE.
02.09.2014 - 21:23
Napsáno Permamuted, 02.09.2014 at 21:20

Napsáno AlBoZzZ, 02.09.2014 at 21:16

As i told you 1000000000 times we were mot farming only cwing the clans who accepted our cw request. How many times we asked illyria for cw and you guys chickened out???? Too bad for you that ct got #2 and you got #5. Dnt worry maybe youll be lucky this season

oh look lets have this argument again!!

19:1 and 3.3 comp sunshine, that was our season. read it and weep. even by farming noob clans your clan still couldnt manage 19:1. what a joke


Mod edit: Took out the AAA's because it broke the forum.
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
02.09.2014 - 21:24
Napsáno clovis1122, 02.09.2014 at 21:19

Even ~Acquiesce, founder of illyria already say to let it go. Why should you care about what other's people think about illyria? Why are you arguing in every single post? Just stop commenting. Stop putting names. Relax and learn to ignore. Acqui is founder and he is not even caring about this type of post. WHY YOU NEED TO CARE ABOUT IT?

lao is also leader of illyria and is defending his clan.what are YOU doing here?who are you defending?from what ive seen you have a crush on lao and you follow him around on the forums to argue with him.its kinda cute actually
02.09.2014 - 21:25
Napsáno Khal.eesi, 02.09.2014 at 21:24

Napsáno clovis1122, 02.09.2014 at 21:19

Even ~Acquiesce, founder of illyria already say to let it go. Why should you care about what other's people think about illyria? Why are you arguing in every single post? Just stop commenting. Stop putting names. Relax and learn to ignore. Acqui is founder and he is not even caring about this type of post. WHY YOU NEED TO CARE ABOUT IT?

lao is also leader of illyria and is defending his clan.what are YOU doing here?who are you defending?from what ive seen you have a crush on lao and you follow him around on the forums to argue with him.its kinda cute actually

he does!! and he stalks me everywhere, and none of the mods will take my request of an aw restraining order seriously =/
02.09.2014 - 21:30
Napsáno SyrianDevil, 02.09.2014 at 21:23

ok khal is beter then klovi and lao and me i atmit zaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

02.09.2014 - 21:31
Napsáno Khal.eesi, 02.09.2014 at 21:30

Napsáno SyrianDevil, 02.09.2014 at 21:23

ok khal is beter then klovi and lao and me i atmit zaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

nice edit
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
02.09.2014 - 21:33
Napsáno Permamuted, 02.09.2014 at 21:22

if its so empty a title then why do you keep going on and on about whos better? and ive no interest in any title anyway, im merely stating a fact.
also why dont you TRY TAKING YOUR OWN ADVICE.

►Khal come and insult me without reason, sayding that both you and syrian-force farm me.
► I point him that he wont make us enemy by cheap arguments. I also posted that not you or syrian will agree with him.
► You come and post that you are the best.

Nice already showed you are posting without read. You serious care about be the best even when you know you are not?

Napsáno Khal.eesi, 02.09.2014 at 21:24

Napsáno clovis1122, 02.09.2014 at 21:19

Even ~Acquiesce, founder of illyria already say to let it go. Why should you care about what other's people think about illyria? Why are you arguing in every single post? Just stop commenting. Stop putting names. Relax and learn to ignore. Acqui is founder and he is not even caring about this type of post. WHY YOU NEED TO CARE ABOUT IT?

lao is also leader of illyria and is defending his clan.what are YOU doing here?who are you defending?from what ive seen you have a crush on lao and you follow him around on the forums to argue with him.its kinda cute actually

~Acquiesce is indiferent to whatever happen it because he know that this is just a waste of time, and whatever is discussed here wont charge illyria. He is showing he is intelligent enough for avoid threats like this

However, Laochra is just putting Illyria in ridiculous, caring so much about other people's opinions and insulting other clans in his way to prove emply arguments. If Laochra was really caring about Illyria, then he would do the same as Acqui and ignore this.

02.09.2014 - 21:34
Time to eat banana
better than reading all of this shits!!!
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