Thank you very much! That is really helpful! Gonna try that on someone!
Really helps! Thanks!
Keep Calm and Fight On!
Rodick Zveřejněné: 110 Od: Srbsko
Very nice article. I might implement something in mine games. Or at least to be aware of MoS.
Something helpful I've learned using MoS over time, I like to rotate attacking and non attacking units, not that the units gain any benefit from resting, but it keeps your opponent guessing as to how many units are in the area, and you can play shadow games by making them think the bulk of your force is somewhere it isn't.
I have a few questions, 1) how many marines do you use to tear down the walls? I tend to only send one so the enemy doesn't see the total number I have. 2) I thought you couldn't build troops in cities that aren't in countries in which you own the capital, is this not true? and 3) How do you set up walls in the Balkans? I enjoy playing Turkey in extra city games but when certain countries only have 1 militia/reinforcement, do you get another militia or marine? Finally, how do YOU use stealth aircraft and deal with a naval war? I struggle using (wasting) subs to knock out destroyers and having to return units to restore stealth is always a struggle. Also, what situations and places are good places for the tactic? Europe with 2 others? What part? I tend to go Brazil Southeast, US Great Lakes and Turkey. if it helps. I only go Turkey if US is taken and I feel Central Europe will fight amongst themselves and I have a trustworthy India. My favorites are the Americas.
Napsáno jFm23, 29.11.2015 at 19:38
1) how many marines do you use to tear down the walls? I tend to only send one so the enemy doesn't see the total number I have.
2) I thought you couldn't build troops in cities that aren't in countries in which you own the capital, is this not true?
3) How do you set up walls in the Balkans? I enjoy playing Turkey in extra city games but when certain countries only have 1 militia/reinforcement, do you get another militia or marine?
4)Finally, how do YOU use stealth aircraft and deal with a naval war? I struggle using (wasting) subs to knock out destroyers and having to return units to restore stealth is always a struggle.
5)Also, what situations and places are good places for the tactic? Europe with 2 others? What part? I tend to go Brazil Southeast, US Great Lakes and Turkey. if it helps. I only go Turkey if US is taken and I feel Central Europe will fight amongst themselves and I have a trustworthy India. My favorites are the Americas.
1) Only use 1 unit to break walls. While keeping the other marines hidden.
2) You can only build troops in cities if you own its capital. (i.e. To build troops in Hamburg, Germany you need Germany's capital - Berlin).
3) To wall small countries in Balkan use troops from other near by cities that can spare, or just wait for reinforcement turn(s).
4) Only build stealth aircraft's if you have LOTS of money, or to break walls. Otherwise use submarines for Naval War. Make sure the submarines are empty when using them for naval war as you don't want to waste marines. Even better, wait for the opponents Navy to take a port (city on the water), and have marines near by to kill them as soon as they do, costs less money than building Submarines, and gives more "bang for your buck".
5) MoS (Master of Stealth) is good for countries on the water.
Personally I use MoS as : Indonesia, USA, Japan (sometimes), China (sometimes), UK (sometimes), Brazil (sometimes). With Turkey I recommenced using another strategy besides MoS (it can still work, but others are better).
Hope that answered your questions.
Thanks for the clarification, when is a good time to pick Indonesia? And how is a US cap not on the water? And finally, what if there is another US or another China?
Napsáno jFm23, 29.11.2015 at 21:41
Thanks for the clarification,
1)When is a good time to pick Indonesia?
2)And how is a US cap not on the water?
3)And finally, what if there is another US or another China?
1) Pick Indonesia if you have China as a ally, assuming you will war India with some China support, if you and China can lock down India, you can stand a chance at winning the whole world war.
2) Some US capitals are on water and some are not (i.e. USA Mountain is on land, Washington is on water).
3) If there is another US or China, play smart and beat them. DO NOT ally them. It's not worth splitting the land and making very little income... Pays off more to own the whole area.
Indonesia allying with china is a death sentence, terrible idea, just rush east asia and play as normal. If there's two people in a country then wipe them out.
Mos is one of the best in my choises
*enough atwar, leaving it for the game of real life
Me like MOS, U smart mahn;
U sneakee too
me like sneeky mahn
game take "20 weeks"
1 week = 7 day, no?
 ?#@% to do dis?
forget about it mahn-
In 20 weeks, I iron 3500 shirts, get 13cents/shirt,
get protocoin -- big upgrades;
use them long time; forget about it mahn,
game over in 3,5, 6 day;:o
/s/ Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
Just one thing more;
U teach me lot in post
me much like ur post Learster
/s/ Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
Wow, that was outstanding. i have never played that master of stealth shit. but i might have to try that. that was just wild looking.
Wow, that was outstanding. i have never played that master of stealth shit. but i might have to try that. that was just wild looking.
Wow that's nice
Do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare. All your sins punished.
LanRue Zveřejněné: 32 Od: Gruzie
LanRue Zveřejněné: 32 Od: Gruzie

How am I doing lear?
I was preparing war with Murica when i took uk fra and spain,i sent 3 x 12 marines stacks every reinf turn.
I had to battle strong russia when i took out uk and france that allied each other.
When i finnished Russia,i didn't even have a time to take his countries,China player came.
I had Iraq heavily reinfed with infarity,but he toook it
I am having low scale war with africa,sending some marines to him just to make him battle,i don't want him to save money......
And pls tell me what to do about asia,i can't def until death,he has walled everything and made big walls .=....
Opponents might see your stealth now... ;o
How did you even get that big in the first place?
Please answer this question, I always have problems with the early game.
Napsáno LukeTan, 24.11.2016 at 10:28
How did you even get that big in the first place?
Please answer this question, I always have problems with the early game.
I doubt there is much good advertise for that. It's a skill you will have to develope with your rank. The longer you play, the better you get at reading the game and anticipating your enemies move.
That, plus a good portion of luck is what you need to succeed in the early game.
Maybe one thing, although not universally applicable: try to avoid all-out fights against players in the beginning. Go for as many neutrals you can grab and try to be somewhat passive, non-threatening, so that other players turn on each other instead of you.
And even if you fight against other players keep on investing in taking neutral countries. Defend well, take neutrals, in time you will out-grow your opponent. Keep a good balance.
Napsáno Oleg, 27.05.2016 at 10:56
How am I doing lear?
Doing very well there mate!
Napsáno Oleg, 27.05.2016 at 10:56
How am I doing lear?
Doing very well there mate!
This topic is very good.
As i've read this topic since a mounth ago, i'm using what you say.
I Usualy spread from america (from chicago).
But america isn't europe and there is not the same income. So even when i have the whloe america's continent (north and south), it's complicated to attack and defense with this income on the both sides (against europ and east asia). I'm also obligated to pick an ally. I usualy chose the east asia one because pacific is very large and it's easier to organize my troops against europe on the east side. My sub goes from new york, washington and boston.
So I got two question:
- is it possible to handle both of them?
-if america isn't a good idea. Wich country should I pick at the beguining with MoS in a World game?
thanks before answering.
ps: Scuse me if my english is as bad as you can see. But I'm french. And yes, this is a good escuse
This topic is very good.
As i've read this topic since a mounth ago, i'm using what you say.
I Usualy spread from america (from chicago).
But america isn't europe and there is not the same income. So even when i have the whloe america's continent (north and south), it's complicated to attack and defense with this income on the both sides (against europ and east asia). I'm also obligated to pick an ally. I usualy chose the east asia one because pacific is very large and it's easier to organize my troops against europe on the east side. My sub goes from new york, washington and boston.
So I got two question:
- is it possible to handle both of them?
-if america isn't a good idea. Wich country should I pick at the beguining with MoS in a World game?
thanks before answering.
ps: Scuse me if my english is as bad as you can see. But I'm french. And yes, this is a good escuse 
going to be hard to beat both asia and europe IF they are allied together. if it is pure ffa u have a chance since they mightkill each other then give them behind surprise
The enemy is in front of us, the enemy is behind us, the enemy is to the right and left of us. They cant get away this time! - General Douglas Mcarthur
This topic is very good.
As i've read this topic since a mounth ago, i'm using what you say.
I Usualy spread from america (from chicago).
But america isn't europe and there is not the same income. So even when i have the whloe america's continent (north and south), it's complicated to attack and defense with this income on the both sides (against europ and east asia). I'm also obligated to pick an ally. I usualy chose the east asia one because pacific is very large and it's easier to organize my troops against europe on the east side. My sub goes from new york, washington and boston.
So I got two question:
- is it possible to handle both of them?
-if america isn't a good idea. Wich country should I pick at the beguining with MoS in a World game?
thanks before answering.
ps: Scuse me if my english is as bad as you can see. But I'm french. And yes, this is a good escuse 
going to be hard to beat both asia and europe IF they are allied together. if it is pure ffa u have a chance since they mightkill each other then give them behind surprise 
Yes i know and this is why I'm asking this lol
As I said, I usualy make an ally with the asian one
Spam sentries at choke points gg
Now how do I counter this shit with Blitzkrieg? Choke the MoS before he gains power?
Now how do I counter this shit with Blitzkrieg? Choke the MoS before he gains power?
As blitz, what you should be doing is, in a world 50k game, is to use air transports to go around his front line. Using blitzkrieg (which isn't reccomended btw, but i'm just responding to the question), it's better to harass the back of the enemy and kill him (if possible, before he sends marines, but if not, while he's sending marines)