Assassination Attempts!
On the way to the senate meeting, Tiberius Caecilius (4nic) and Antigonus Nerva (GhostFace) are split from their lictors by a group of angry merchants demanding the senate pay for their lost cargo. In the mob, two hooded figures rush towards the politicians but not quick enough as the lictors broke up the mob and throw them to the ground. In their hands are knives. They are arrested and threatened with punishment against them and their entire families reveal under torture that their employers were Decimus Regulus (Yellow Rose) and Popus benedictus (Boywind). Evidently Regulus tried to kill Caecilius and Benedictus tried to kill Nerva. Perhaps it was some sort of conspiracy against the Populares or perhaps the information is false. Either way both senators have been arrested and put under trial
(both attempts rolled 1) both attempts failed
Decimus Regulus (Yellow Rose) automatic popular appeal rolled 3 (bad roll but his target 4nic is pretty unpopular), -4 votes in upcoming trial "the common people suspect he is guilty"
Popus benedictus (Boywind) automatic popular appeal rolled 6 (average roll), -4 votes in upcoming trial "the common people suspect he is guilty"
Freeman Účet vymazán |
Consul Vote
1) Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Darth) + Decius Pisentius Caracturus (White Army)
Censor Vote
2)Horatius Cocles (Empirezz)
Praetor Vote
1)Balbinus Calvus (Freeman)
Command of the 1st Illyrian War? (if war declaration passes)
2)Consul, Antigonus Nerva (GhostFace) [populares candidate]
Declare war on Illyria?
2) Send an envoy
Raise forces?
3)5 Legions
Disband forces?
Force Deployments
Trial of Decimus Regulus
2) Not guilty
Trial of Popus benedictus
1) Guilty (I suggest running into exile)
Darth. Zveřejněné: 3783 Od: Indie
Consul Vote
1) Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Darth) + Decius Pisentius Caracturus (White Army)
Censor Vote
1)Antigonus Nerva (GhostFace)
Praetor Vote
1)Balbinus Calvus (Freeman)
Command of the 1st Illyrian War? (if war declaration passes)
3)Praetor, Martialism Ovidius Fenix (Republica Custodibu candidate
Declare war on Illyria?
1) Aye
Raise forces?
3)5 Legions
Disband forces?
Force Deployments
2) Send all forces to Illyria
Trial of Decimus Regulus
1) Guilty (Execution)
Trial of Popus benedictus
1) Guilty (Execution)
Consul Vote
1) Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Darth) + Decius Pisentius Caracturus (White Army)
Censor Vote
1)Antigonus Nerva (GhostFace)
Praetor Vote
1)Balbinus Calvus (Freeman)
The consuls have opted not to replace Tiberius Caecilius (4nic) for the First Punic War
Command of the 1st Illyrian War? (if war declaration passes)
1)Consul, Horatius Cocles (Empirezz)
Declare war on Illyria?
Raise forces?
3)5 Legions
Disband forces?
Force Deployments
2)Send all forces to Illyria
Trial of Decimus Regulus
1)Guilty (Execution)
Trial of Popus benedictus
1)Guilty (Execution)
Consul: 1
Censor: 2
Praetor: 1
Illyria: 3
Decleare: 1
Raise: 3
Disband: 4
Deployment: 2
First Trial: 1
Second Trial: 1
Also where are le Concessions
Someone Better Than You
Darth. Zveřejněné: 3783 Od: Indie
Also where are le Concessions
They aren't given out every turn
1) Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Darth) + Decius Pisentius Caracturus (White Army)
Censor Vote
1)Antigonus Nerva (GhostFace)
Praetor Vote
1)Balbinus Calvus (Freeman)
Command of the 1st Illyrian War? (if war declaration passes)
1)Consul, Horatius Cocles (Empirezz)
Declare war on Illyria?
Raise Forces?
3)5 Legions
Disband Fleets?
Send all to Illyria
Trial of Decimus Regulus
1)Guilty (Execution)
Trial of Popus benedictus
1)Guilty (Execution)
1.Consul Vote:
1) Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Darth) + Decius Pisentius Caracturus (White Army)
2 .Censor Vote:
1)Antigonus Nerva (GhostFace)
3.Praetor Vote :
1)Balbinus Calvus (Freeman)
4.Declare war on Illyria?
1) Aye
5. Raise forces?
3)5 Legions
6. Disband forces?
7.Force Deployments
2) Send all forces to Illyria
8. Trial of Decimus Regulus
1) Guilty (Execution)
9. Trial of Popus benedictus
1) Guilty (Execution)
10.Command of the 1st Illyrian War? (if war declaration passes)
2) empirezz
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''
Consul Vote
1) Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Darth) + Decius Pisentius Caracturus (White Army)
Censor Vote
2)Horatius Cocles (Empirezz)
Praetor Vote
2)Sincerus Subsilva (Andartes)
Command of the 1st Illyrian War? (if war declaration passes)
3)Praetor, Martialism Ovidius Fenix (Republica Custodibu candidate)
Declare war on Illyria?
Raise forces?
3)5 Legions
Disband forces?
Force Deployments
2)Send all forces to Illyria
Trial of Decimus Regulus
2) Not Guilty
Trial of Popus benedictus
2) Not Guilty
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
May the presiding Censor please speak on what evidence he has to convict two fellow senators of such an egregious act as to commit murder? Surely we cannot solely find these gentleman guilty, especially wherein they would find themselves killed, on the slim evidence of hearsay produced by these scoundrels who botched an assassination attempt. Would these two assassins not say anything to spare their own lives.... even accusing members of the Senate?
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
I would like to ask Romes religious leader on the bad omen of defeat suffered by 4nic at the calamity in Sicily. Is the abandoning of our allies not evidence of the abandoning of the Gods favor for this man (indeed, perhaps of Rome)? Is his refusal to commit suicide, to burn away this eternal sin from his bloodline, not indicative of this mans disrespect for our laws, our traditions, our Gods? Some would argue, not me of course, that his death has been pre determined and I fear his refusal not to take it with his own hands will incentives others to do it for him...
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
I would like to ask Romes religious leader on the bad omen of defeat suffered by 4nic at the calamity in Sicily. Is the abandoning of our allies not evidence of the abandoning of the Gods favor for this man (indeed, perhaps of Rome)? Is his refusal to commit suicide, to burn away this eternal sin from his bloodline, not indicative of this mans disrespect for our laws, our traditions, our Gods? Some would argue, not me of course, that his death has been pre determined and I fear his refusal not to take it with his own hands will incentives others to do it for him...
Whatever happens, Gods would never want any suicide. Martialism Ovidius, Praetor's statement on this topic is complete nonsense, Praetor showed his opinion on our religion to whole Rome, Tiberius Caecilius did not abandon anyone. If we want to talk about people that abandoned Gods, we can talk about killers, Decimus Regulus and Popus Benedictus, betrayers of our laws, our traditions, our Gods. I would like to ask Romes Presidenting Praetor why is he defending criminals, Decimus Regulus and Popus Benedictus?
Napsáno Oleg, 02.08.2017 at 09:59
Whatever happens, Gods would never want any suicide. Martialism Ovidius, Praetor's statement on this topic is complete nonsense, Praetor showed his opinion on our religion to whole Rome, Tiberius Caecilius did not abandon anyone. If we want to talk about people that abandoned Gods, we can talk about killers, Decimus Regulus and Popus Benedictus, betrayers of our laws, our traditions, our Gods. I would like to ask Romes Presidenting Praetor why is he defending criminals, Decimus Regulus and Popus Benedictus?
My fellow Senator, you are mistaken. Our Republic, protected by the will of the Gods, is based around honor. Honor to ones family, community, and the Gods. When someone commits such a shameful act as to lose to outside barbarians where the odds were ever in their favor, it is reasonable for someone to ask- was this a sign of the Gods?
I am not defending criminals, in fact I want these assassins to be publicly crucified for this atrocity committed against not just my fellow colleagues, but of the Republic. But I will not condemn two Senators, two representatives of the people, to be killed based on the words of scum.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Going to wait a few hours before updating, there are some very close elections. Notably the command of illyria, and the trials where any new vote from senators could easily tip the scales. Also I want to give time for the accused to seriously consider running into exile before the elections are over
I would like my fellow Senators from Populares to reconsider their votes for command. You know my military record- no army of mine has ever suffered casualties that have reached unacceptable levels like those just suffered in Sicily. If we go to war in Illyria with an inexperienced commander and lose or suffer any high casualties, we risk Carthage overpowering us. I do not believe Rome has the wealth at the moment to build up our navy to fight Carthage AND to replace any legions loss against the Illyrians. Please think of the future of our great Republic, not blind self-interest. I am the right man for this job and it appears the Gods have already showed disfavor on one populares.... I would hate to find out the Gods have cursed them all.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Darth. Zveřejněné: 3783 Od: Indie
I would like my fellow Senators from Populares to reconsider their votes for command.
Already voted for you  No point squabbling for command of Roman Legions if Rome collapses
Consul Vote
Censor Vote
Praetor Vote
Command of the 1st Illyrian War? (if war declaration passes)
1)Consul, Horatius Cocles (Empirezz)
Declare war on Illyria?
Raise forces?
3)5 Legions
Disband forces?
Force Deployments
2)Send all forces to Illyria
Trial of Decimus Regulus
abstain from voting
Trial of Popus benedictus
abstain from voting
Horatius Cocles agrees with Martialism Ovidius Fenix assessment of the assassination attempt, therefore I shall abstain from voting.
Consul Vote
Censor Vote
Praetor Vote
Command of the 1st Illyrian War? (if war declaration passes)
Declare war on Illyria?
Raise forces?
Disband forces?
Force Deployments
I didn't do it....
the voices in my head made me do it.....
It appears Boywind appears to be having troubles in the.... mental capacities.... I suspect the Gods have possessed him to carry out their divine will. I hope our religious leader may speak on these matters. For now, I find it as Judge that he may in fact be guilty of his crime. Whether he did it of his own volition, I am not sure. I propose we keep him alive for as long as we need to get to the bottom of this.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Pontifex Maximus of People of Rome speaks, someone who is willing to kill other man cannot be under God's will. Will to kill is worse than a kill.
4Chan Zveřejněné: 2132 Od: Rakousko
Napsáno Oleg, 02.08.2017 at 13:19
Pontifex Maximus of People of Rome speaks, someone who is willing to kill other man cannot be under God's will. Will to kill is worse than a kill.
hi pavle, are you role playing? can I play too?
This crime should be payed with DEATH. !!!
they tried to kill the GLORIOUS COMMANDER OF THE 1ST PUNIC WAR !! !
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''
Napsáno 4nic, 02.08.2017 at 13:20
they tried to kill the DISGRACED COMMANDER OF THE 1ST PUNIC WAR !! !
Fixed it
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
==Turn 2: Phase 3 has begun==
I suggest a fast vicotry against Illyria while being on the defensive with carthage and raising more legions to help on the carthagenian front
I suggest a fast vicotry against Illyria while being on the defensive with carthage and raising more legions to help on the carthagenian front
Once Illyrian victory is secure, we can build up a navy to match Carthage. We might have enough legions left over to invade Sicily (if not, we'll just wait a turn). Offensive will work, don't worry
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
I suggest a fast vicotry against Illyria while being on the defensive with carthage and raising more legions to help on the carthagenian front
Once Illyrian victory is secure, we can build up a navy to match Carthage. We might have enough legions left over to invade Sicily (if not, we'll just wait a turn). Offensive will work, down worry 
Go Horatius Cocles go