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Přidal Permamuted, 06.10.2014 - 22:59
I'm just seeking clarification on an issue that annoyed me. I was playing a cw, i was france my opponent was uk. Turn 1 i circle walled my cap with 8 units with the intention to wall inside it turn 2 thus keeping my capital safe until turn 4. Overall taking 11 units.

after the turn ended i found the circle wall had been wf'd. the wall looked roughly as shown in the following screenshot and the red circle was the location of the wf, on french territory.

As we all know you are not meant to place units on your opponents territory turn 1. Or interfere with walls on their territory. Sometimes this is unavoidable in cases where countries are almost on top of each other. However the standard etiquette is usually to pretend that the walls are there and continue as normal.

When the wf happened to me in the cw i just thought whatever and played on. He probably will pretend the wall is there. Next turn i found a wf beside my cap breaking the inner wall i had made within the circlewall. I was pissed but i finished the cw. After however i criticised the other player for his rulebreak only to be laughed at and told to stop making up rules. Am i wrong in what i thought was always the standard? Is it ok to interfere with walls on another persons terrirtory and then pretend theyre not there? Should we applaud the other player for not capping me?

his argument was that the wf was on belgium and not france, it was on france's boarder and there are witnesses but whether he is right or wrong about the wfs location he still interfered with the wall on my territory.

Feel free to give your opinions, and if anyone knows where the rules about turn 1 territory invasion and wfs is stated, please post it. Or is it just an unofficial etiquette/standard some of us maintain?
09.10.2014 - 07:25
Napsáno Permamuted, 08.10.2014 at 11:35

i've encountered and used 1v1 pd ukraines that cap london turn 3 whilst getting 40 units back to kiev for 4 to pressure ankara and dissuade any rush attempts. the double wall on my cap gives me room to expand and deal with these kind of plays. You guys say these walls are unfair, but i disagree. If theyre used against you you should respond appropriately, you no longer have the psychological advantage of a turn 3 rush. bear in mind, if theyre using such walls monitor their troop stack positioning. chances are they tend to overexpand, you can do the same and hardly defend your cap. It's part of this strategey game and you need to take all this into consideration.

Like when we complained about the turn 3 rush, we got bitchings from you guys? D: ( its not like we support that 3 turn gayrush) And france is perfectly capable to protect vs uk and spain(with italy), because when uk and spain rushes france, ger should be able to cap uk.
If not:
Then your germany is doing a bad job and dont blame the ''weakness'' of france.
And I think people should stop raging cw's when 1 clan picks ukraine/turk/ uk/germany combo.

Its never good... D:

Napsáno Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
09.10.2014 - 07:38
I read half of this very interesting topic and then i got bored. But i have one question, can i wf London first turn? Or Istanbul preferable?
09.10.2014 - 07:41
Napsáno Steve Aoki, 09.10.2014 at 07:38

I read half of this very interesting topic and then i got bored. But i have one question, can i wf London first turn? Or Istanbul preferable?

I will, if they use bigwall <3 so if i jump you jump right rose?

Napsáno Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
10.10.2014 - 01:40
Black Shark
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