AlexMeza Účet vymazán |
18k SP in one game, by my clan mate habahaba
AlexMeza Účet vymazán |
Napsáno Chess, 02.02.2014 at 12:20
Napsáno Guest, 02.02.2014 at 12:10
18k SP in one game, by my clan mate habahaba 

This screenshot is invalid.
Read the rules, please.
AlexMeza Účet vymazán |
- Record for "Most SP in one game" have to look similar to this: Click here
.The Reason why they have to look this is because SP Boosts should not put players who dont use ProtoCoins at a disadvantage.
He did not play that game while SP Superweek. If so, then according to what you said above, then it doesn't matter? Also, the cost were from 1-3 protocoins which is almost nothing.
From today, that was 17 days ago. That means 17.01.2014 (lol)
SP week started at 06.01, this mean it finished on 13th January.
Napsáno Chess, 29.01.2014 at 09:34
Napsáno b0nker2, 29.01.2014 at 09:00
Cowboy Duels SP count was during the super week, not sure if it should count.
Since the first SP superweek wasnt like the last one (this time one could buy cheap SP Boosts) I am counting the record.
This is unfair..
AlexMeza Účet vymazán |
Napsáno Chess, 03.02.2014 at 11:15
Napsáno Guest, 03.02.2014 at 10:56
- Record for "Most SP in one game" have to look similar to this: Click here
.The Reason why they have to look this is because SP Boosts should not put players who dont use ProtoCoins at a disadvantage.
He did not play that game while SP Superweek. If so, then according to what you said above, then it doesn't matter? Also, the cost were from 1-3 protocoins which is almost nothing.
From today, that was 17 days ago. That means 17.01.2014 (lol)
SP week started at 06.01, this mean it finished on 13th January.
Napsáno Chess, 29.01.2014 at 09:34
Napsáno b0nker2, 29.01.2014 at 09:00
Cowboy Duels SP count was during the super week, not sure if it should count.
Since the first SP superweek wasnt like the last one (this time one could buy cheap SP Boosts) I am counting the record.
This is unfair..
Unfair? It just gets divided by two.
If one uses a SP Boost and doesnt send me a SS like in the example in the General Information Part I will just divide the amount of SP through 2.
If I cant identify if she/he has used a SP Boost or not I will just automatically assume that she/he has.
Else I can´t count the record.
Second of all I don´t even know from who this record is.
It´s not recognizable from the SS nor can I check if it´s correct in any way since you didn´t send me a link of the player profile who has broken the record.
In the worst case scenario you could have just taken a game from anyone.
Therefore this screenshot that you have send me is invalid.
Didn't know about "divided by two" as you didn't mention it.
AlexMeza Účet vymazán |
Napsáno Chess, 03.02.2014 at 11:27
Napsáno Guest, 03.02.2014 at 11:21
Didn't know about "divided by two" as you didn't mention it.
Isnt that self-explaining?
Next time make a SS like this.
The game is from a clanmate, he just told me he got 18k in a game so I went here.
I did say it was from habahaba, thought didn't know I had to screenshot the whole profile.
Thanks for the screenshot
I would like to submit my record for 25 straight duel wins
[  img][/img]
Highest competence is 2.74 for SM
Edit: Chess rocks! Thanks for keeping the books
[  img][/img]
Napsáno Goblin, 08.02.2014 at 13:14
Man im sure we... xD martians had 2.79 at one point but none ss'd it :/
There we go I made your post better Gob.
Napsáno Amok, 12.03.2012 at 07:05
Why? It's much easier with the popup thingie buttons...
Napsáno Amok, 15.05.2013 at 06:51
Wow man, you're so wrong, I don't even know where to begin with 
Napsáno Goblin, 08.02.2014 at 13:14
Man im sure we... xD martians had 2.79 at one point but none ss'd it :/
The door is always open for Gob's glorious return.
- In Gob We Trust -
[  img][/img]
AlexMeza Účet vymazán |
Thanks Chess.  Though, haba did 18k in one game, not just one day  And if you sum his other games in 24h I think he can also get top 1 in day.
AlexMeza Účet vymazán |
Napsáno Chess, 09.02.2014 at 12:41
Napsáno Guest, 09.02.2014 at 12:26
Thanks Chess. Though, haba did 18k in one game, not just one day And if you sum his other games in 24h I think he can also get top 1 in day.
Yes, however if you divide his score through 2 he wont be able to get a spot in the Top 3.
Hmm? It wasn't on SP week I think.
strykoraine Účet vymazán |
Player cln wins in a row: 14 <3
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
AlexMeza Účet vymazán |
AlexMeza Účet vymazán |
Napsáno Chess, 10.02.2014 at 10:02
Napsáno Guest, 10.02.2014 at 09:18
Player cln wins in a row: 18 from Fruit
Great Screenshot, this way I can see from who this record is for future references.
I would appreciate if everyone makes a SS like AlexMeza did for record such as Most Duel Wins in a Row and Most Player Coalition War Wins in a Row and so on.
I wonder how you did it?
If I make a SS it only takes the section that is currently visible.
Would be interesting to know.
A shitty addon for Chrome, since I'm not using FF right now. I use an imgur addon for FF which is better  Anyway, you should look up for imgur addons.
AlexMeza Účet vymazán |
Napsáno Madara, 12.02.2014 at 17:01
I support to remove kebab him, please. Custom maps are just not the same as World Map.
Napsáno Chess, 09.02.2014 at 07:55
- New #2 in Most Duel Wins in a Row by: Engenuity with 26 Duel Wins in a Row! Congratulations.
- New #3 in Most Duel Wins in a Row by: AlexMeza with 23 Duel Wins in a Row! Congratulations.
- Since it turns out the Player with the user_id=368727 has been SP farming he will be banned from the Record Book. Permanently
Should I be convinced (by myself) that he has become a rightful player I will remove the ban from him. I doubt that this will happen within the next six months.
Also I declare all his future record entries for the Most SP in a Day and Most SP in one game as invalid, since I cant be sure if he is going to cheat again.
Let this be a warning to everyone.
If anyone disagrees with my decision he/she is welcome to write me a complaint.
- New #1 in Most SP in a Day: learster with 18940 SP! Congratulations. 
- New #2 in Most SP in a Day: habahaba with 18283 SP! Congratlations.
- New #3 in Most SP in a Day: GabrijelaArhangel with 14634 SP! Congratulations.
Last but not least:
Stalin Martians have broken once again their own record.
New Score in Highest Competition by: Stalin Martians with 2.74 Competence! Congratulations 
Great Work Guys! Keep it up. 
Added a new section:
Most Player Coalition War Wins in a Row
Chess for Most Player Coalition War Wins in a Row I'm pretty sure Calurpa has the best record. (that guy in dalmati)
"My words are my bullets."-John Lydon
Spart is love
AlexMeza Účet vymazán |
Napsáno Chess, 09.02.2014 at 07:55
omg dont quote long posts ;_;
Chess for Most Player Coalition War Wins in a Row I'm pretty sure Calurpa has the best record. (that guy in dalmati)
Caulerpa has 13 wins a row.
Actual records are:
Fruit 18
Acquiesce 14
Stryko 13
Caulerpa has same wins as Stryko, but Stryko submitted his entry first, therefore it should stay the same.
Elo n1 one: bluecher
most elo wins in a row: bluecher (100 wins)
"War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means."
― Carl von Clausewitz
AlexMeza Účet vymazán |
Elo n1 one: bluecher
most elo wins in a row: bluecher (100 wins)
Again, I ask to not to allow custom maps in duels. It's probably not a fact and depends on people's opinion, but I think that we all know, that playing and dueling on World Map with effort and competitively against good/better players, can't be compared to someone who plays in a custom map not even agreed/known/accepted by community, against random people.
Whats the different between custom and normal maps?
e.g tophats farmed a lot lvl 3-4 players too. it doesnt make a different if i beat this guys on a custom or worldmap
this looks like an official thread so why do you grudge bluechers performance? bluecher has the highest elo and the most elo wins in a row and you must accept this! Maybe you should talk to amok that he have to change the elo system
"War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means."
― Carl von Clausewitz
Whats the different between custom and normal maps?
e.g tophats farmed a lot lvl 3-4 players too. it doesnt make a different if i beat this guys on a custom or worldmap
this looks like an official thread so why do you grudge bluechers performance? bluecher has the highest elo and the most elo wins in a row and you must accept this! Maybe you should talk to amok that he have to change the elo system 
i would expect nothing more from someone called doctor trollface :S
this is an example of a broken system, ideally elo should be an example of 1v1 skill, but bluecher negates all that. your tophats example is pointless, he duels people of all ranks.
bluecher2 mostly targets those in the 4-6 rank range and refuses duels from those his own rank and equals in elo. including him in the hall of fame would be a joke. instead he should be given a medal for being a noobbashing opportunist.
I dont know why you hate bluecher. he does nothing wrong. he is in line with the rules  you should hate amok that he implemented a dallying elo-system
btw tophats said a long time ago: "it doesnt matter if you play against a bunch of noobs or pros. After a peride of games, the elo system will reflect your skill"
"War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means."
― Carl von Clausewitz
Napsáno Goblin, 24.02.2014 at 11:44
bluecher2 mostly targets those in the 4-6 rank range
Hey lao you even know how he plays it out? cuz its fuckin funny ...first he plays a game with a small rank, if he beats him he offers him another game (this is imo to make sure he is not playing an alt) then in that second game he sends a duel request.
Him being number 1 is the most ridicilous thing in aw ever ...for god sake i have beaten that dude when i was a rank 6 playing germany against his turkey SM in 15k and out of his 14 lost duels he has lost 4 from me when i was still a rank 5 ...pisses me off and i know for a fact he pisses off many others.
..and i beat you with my lvl 5 alt (you was lvl 9)
you guys should have more respect for a guy, who havent broken the rules
"War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means."
― Carl von Clausewitz
AlexMeza Účet vymazán |
Citovat: Citovat: Napsáno Goblin, 24.02.2014 at 12:04
..and i beat you with my lvl 5 alt (you was lvl 9)
you guys should have more respect for a guy, who havent broken the rules
Big deal doctor ...i usualy dont wall, move or play seriously against low ranks, cuz i dont care if they are alts or not.
btw. RESPECT!!!! now you are pissing me off.
Btw goblin, don't delete the numbers after "author", or the poster you're replying to, won't get a notification.
1247 for most CP earned in a season.
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
AlexMeza Účet vymazán |
1247 for most CP earned in a season.
I'm not sure but I think he means most CP earned in last 20 games 
Also, you need screenshot or he won't do it.
Stryko Účet vymazán |
Napsáno Chess, 23.11.2013 at 19:05
Most Coalition Points earned in a season
1.) 920 by Stalins Martians
920 ?
This is a new record