People use this bigg wall turn 1, and triangle wall turn 2. Its unfair to the other people who cant open the capital wall for 2 turns.
And if people WF the bigg wall turn 1, without attacking their capital, and just wf it turn 2 too they get mad. Lmao.
I don't get this logic-.-?
Only because you lose 5 extra troops (which isnt that 'big of a deal) since you can easily expand with ukraine/turkey/spain/germany/uk without those 5 units, with france most of the people choose to not rush italy so they wont take a big damage at all by losing those 5 extra troops. You guys use this excuse just to approve this wall, it isnt legit...
The turns your capital is walled (turn 1 and 2) you get way more profit then losing those 5 troops. by having an extra turn without protecting your capital you have a way bigger advantage then just losing 5 troops in turn 1.
If people say, we will wf first turn 1 because its not fair that we cant open your wall on turn 2, and kinda get a freepass to expand/attack when the opponent/enemy needs to focus on his BROKEN wall + trying to hold the expanding guy who still has his capital walled + trying to deffend....
Only because some people feel like playing this game, its not a reason to say :''If they do it, you do it too'' because thats just beyond stupid.. if people want to play this way, go ahead but dont expect people to like it and accept it. Wall is to prevent getting capped FOR THAT TURN. if you wall like this to prevent it from 2 turns walled, dont cry if people wf just to make it 1 turn.
i never understood why you made this point. My gripe was that he opened the outerwall on my territory turn 1 with the intention to prevent me from keeping my cap walled until turn 4. The existence of the inner wall turn 1 is irrelevant to this. By your logic the outerwall is considered a cap wall, so by wfing that wall he essentially committed a huge breach of etiquette, an attack on my capital the following turn wouldve caused outrage by my clan and spectators alike. He should not be commended for this. I tried to wall my cap on my territory, he opened the wall. I couldve walled inside the big wall turn 1, but we'd still have the same issue. Smaller double walls are not effective due to the zoomout feature. they can be opened in 1 turn, this is the only solution i know of.
Yes he did open your capital wall with the intention to stop you from re-walling it. He cannot stop it otherwise. The existence of the inner wall makes that your capital wall instead of the big wall around. At that point I(and my clan) would treat the big wall as being in place, even if wf'd. However, as the big wall is your capital wall, something has to be done to prevent you from rewalling. Syrian just applied the way to avoid it. He, and also W4r in the previous thread, never attacked your capital turn 2, they respected that. We would not have the same issue if you simply placed 3 units around your capital, and created the large 11 unit wall around that wall too.
i have encountered this in many forms over the previous few months. id seen it by players in turk, specifically mauzer, and i remember vaguely some spain player doing it, beyond that i dont remember. But i doubt after 3 years i am the first to discover a double layer wall in limited space which cant be broken by using the zoom feature or by that odd wf mechanic where if you kill the outerwall and place a wf closeby it opens the innerwall too.
It might be a new move for you, but without evidence to the contrary, we cant know.
Your doubt is correct, you're obviously not the first. I said new-ish because I've seen variants of it as well. However it was not put into common practice, unlike what we have now. People did not constantly do this. It died out. And they usually had a 3 man wall inside ensuring they couldn't be hit for 2 turns.
i should clarify, no first turn wf of walls on an opponents territory, if the wall extends over water or outside the territory. that part of the wall can be opened. By my rules what syrian and w4r did is a rule break, by goblins rules, my double wall is a rulebreak.
Both your rules 1 and 4 are broken in this situation. 4 by you, and 1 by Syrian/W4r. Breaking rule 1 was a reaction to you breaking rule 4. Simple isn't it?
My proposal would be the mod controlled vote by mail for r7s and above. Something like a 70% majority vote and a rule gets enforced. <70% and nothing changes. Its a bit of effort, but it will be worth it..
A popular vote wouldn't change what we are capable of.
While me and Acqu have completely different mindsets when we look at wall glitching, and I acknowledge that, we seem to agree on a lot of other things. Specially his point 3 you quoted.
3) Get the mods/ admins to enforce your big wall ban through coercion. (Never gonna happen we don't even enforce no wf first turn.)
While I would agree to those 5 rules you listed, and would agree to the single rule Goblin had in mind, there is still no reason for Moderators/admins to enforce it because it happens every single game when you start playing atWar. We'd need 20 more moderators to watch. I'm not in favour of promoting that many individuals. The only way it could become official is when a mechanic is put into place to stop it.
We need to prevent these things as a community, shun those who break the standard etiquette, and react to them. This is what we've been doing all this time.
Again, I'm completely against wallglitching of any kind. But I know where the rules stand, and what the moderators are capable of.
@ the rest of the conversation, name calling and insults do not get you anywhere. Settle down and let it go. Look at the topic at hand instead.
''Written by desu'' XD sorry fail quotings
I see your point. It'd be community self-moderation.. to a point. You realize administrators are the ones to act if something like ELO/Cln Wars are done with glitching. Moderators would need to be given more powers over more important parts of the game in this case, else we'd have to bug the administrators every time something happens. If we were to enforce the competitive players etiquette, first turn wf'ing etc, you know we'd have to do that for every game too right? Not just official games. Lots of lower ranks without prior knowledge would suddenly have a lot of problems when they got into the main room. Even right now, you run into rank 6-7-8's who join a 3 vs 3 and wallfuck first turn.
As I said, to a point. It's too much.
About the whole,
Thank you!?
This is seriously what Goblin or me are saying the whole time!?
I find it strange that if we say it, we get bickerings from all sides, but if you do, they somehow can 'understand' or ''come to an dicission''
Also I still disagree with the point you say about make inner wall and bigger wall, because this way you still CANT attack the wall till turn 3.. which is kinda where this whole thread was reffering to.
I do agree with most of the rules, but I dont agree what laochra said about, duels/cw's records should be deleted if WF'ed first turn or whatever, Like you said in your other quote. Since if this is gonna happen, people are gonna exploit the rules, gonna make fake SS's or whatever, and just gain their lose as a tie or a win. (which is false)
I see your point. It'd be community self-moderation.. to a point. You realize administrators are the ones to act if something like ELO/Cln Wars are done with glitching. Moderators would need to be given more powers over more important parts of the game in this case, else we'd have to bug the administrators every time something happens. If we were to enforce the competitive players etiquette, first turn wf'ing etc, you know we'd have to do that for every game too right? Not just official games. Lots of lower ranks without prior knowledge would suddenly have a lot of problems when they got into the main room. Even right now, you run into rank 6-7-8's who join a 3 vs 3 and wallfuck first turn.
As I said, to a point. It's too much.
About the whole,
Also please learn how to quote like that, because I fail quoting and its a to big post everytime D:
Is there a thread or something for it?
I diretly respond your question. You cannot zoom bug on your 9 + 3 units wall. You can only zoom bug when the inside wall is too closer ( not there, but closer) to the outer wall.
Clovis ... i would fuckin slap you so hard now.
All this time ...we, and me are talking about the wall i posted the picture of.
And all this time you are screaming at me about a zoom bug that cant even affect the wall i showed.
Do i have to learn spanish in order for you to understand what im saying or is that even pointless and you are just dumb?
I diretly respond your question. You cannot zoom bug on your 9 + 3 units wall. You can only zoom bug when the inside wall is too closer ( not there, but closer) to the outer wall.
Clovis ... i would fuckin slap you so hard now.
All this time ...we, and me are talking about the wall i posted the picture of.
And all this time you are screaming at me about a zoom bug that cant even affect the wall i showed.
Do i have to learn spanish in order for you to understand what im saying or is that even pointless and you are just dumb?
You see? This is why I asked you to pick my point completery, and not just a part of it. I'l quote myself:
3) Even if Laochra had walled inside, there are still some players that would break the inside wall. This happened me once while I was CWing evoL ( I walled with 8 units outside and 3 inside, I got wfed 1st turn and he still break my inside wall) and happens to me in almost every scenario when I and someone end up wfing each others in turn 1 - he do like there was no wall and break my inside wall.
How high ranks does not respect the walls is very clearn in this example:
in my tourney match aganist Chess. I told him " Dont attack kuwait. Game didn't walled it"
when the wall was up and there was no wfing unit. This is a common bug. ( And no, the wall was made and next turn it just did not appear up).
Guess what: Chess not only attacked it, but also with half of his stack.#R.I.P my general.
There is just no guarantee, with wall inside or without wall inside, that the other player will act polite and respect it. We where fine with the 6 + 3 wall.... until someone started to break them by zoom bugs. I dunno if there is even a high rank here that would respect a 6 outside + 3 inside wall.
For number 2 and number 3.... I support big wall with no inside units. Though, as I said from the start, A post wont charge this.
Goblin you are taking one part of the topic. First it was rewalling and now is zoom bugs. Why dont take it completery? Go to page 6, find my opinion and answer it completery and stop picking one part... jesus!
Goblin you are taking one part of the topic. First it was rewalling and now is zoom bugs. Why dont take it completery? Go to page 6, find my opinion and answer it completery and stop picking one part... jesus!
You are not taking a single part of what i wrote.
Go trough out the topic and you will find all the answers you want not goin to repeat myself for the hundredth time like your personal fool.
I am out of this discussion then. I would be good if you was arguing about my argument, but you are:
•) Attacking one part of the argument. Specifically those part that makes no sense without the next one.
•) Insulting me as a person. I read your posts from page 6 afterward and page 3 and ealier. I think I specify that I did not read the whole post, but you try to bring this in all your post that I did not read and that I am not smart enough for understand your argument.
•) Claiming in all your post that I speak english bad. You cant disqualify my argument because I dont speak english right. This is ad hominen. Even though:
Of course is not, jesus ...fine i said "entering", ok "leaving your units in opponents teritory turn 1" ...everyone happy?
Seriously being trolled because i used a wrong word by Clovis? Clovis
ok, you win goblin. I cannot argue in post like this without be insulted or downgraded. Nice ethical solutions.
For number 2 and number 3.... I support big wall with no inside units. Though, as I said from the start, A post wont charge this.
This is what i am talking about all this fuckin time ...all this time im asking, pleading people to keep their opinions about all this moves out of the discussion and that we simply find a compromise.
I proposed, one rule and one change in the game:
• moves that cant be prevented, shouldnt be used
• make capitals unattackable until turn 3
By this proposals:
• rewalling would be legal
• serbian rewalling would be legal
• big walls without an inner wall for purpose of rewalling would be illegal move
• first turn wall fuckin someones walls in his teritory would be illegal move
• first turn wall fuck on someones capital would be useless if done
So, 2 moves i disliked and still find cheap i gave them a green light acording to my own rule.
And you sttuborn bastards cant even compromise to use additional 3 units to create an inner wall, you yourself said cant be broken with a zoom bug.
Clovis you need to learn english
Goblin, you are just wrong, plz stop posting.
You could join clovis in english lessons.
I asked a simple question on what is a zoom bug and how is it done and could it break my double wall in my picture.
Clovis ...i dont see no explanation on how its done in your post beside stating that it is.
Does ss i dont know what are they suppose to represent.
And i dont know the zoom bug.
...Even less i know who you are hazardouz so if you dont have an argumment or an explanation to back up why im wrong and on what matter ...gtfo.
Hazardouz = le mighty tunder3
Goblin, Nobody gives a shit about your feud with re-walling and your shitty rules. This topic is about people wallfucking double layer walls like the one in the picture you posted, but you derailed the topic and changed the focus of attention to "re-walling" and zoom bugs.
Nobody in here BUT YOU is interested in debating about re-walling.
we are talking about how shitty is to wallfuck the outerwall turn 1 and then break the inner wall turn 2.
Clovis you need to learn english
Goblin, you are just wrong, plz stop posting.
You could join clovis in english lessons.
I asked a simple question on what is a zoom bug and how is it done and could it break my double wall in my picture.
Clovis ...i dont see no explanation on how its done in your post beside stating that it is.
Does ss i dont know what are they suppose to represent.
And i dont know the zoom bug.
...Even less i know who you are hazardouz so if you dont have an argumment or an explanation to back up why im wrong and on what matter ...gtfo.
Hazardouz = le mighty tunder3
Goblin, Nobody gives a shit about your feud with re-walling and your shitty rules. This topic is about people wallfucking double layer walls like the one in the picture you posted, but you derailed the topic and changed the focus of attention to "re-walling" and zoom bugs.
Nobody in here BUT YOU is interested in debating about re-walling.
we are talking about how shitty is to wallfuck the outerwall turn 1 and then break the inner wall turn 2.
'' Who is we?'' Because Goblin and Laochra and me were mostly talking about it, we were not talking about how shitty wallfuck turn 1 is. We were talking about how unfair it is that it walls turn 2 without breaking it.
You and clovis are tyring to troll or turn this whole topic to another subject, so you both better nock it. Thanks.
If you want to argue, thats fine, come with goood arguements or your opinion, dont turn around words or ignore things and just take 1/10 of all and try to get your right in there.
Why would I use 3 extra units, if players would still break it anyway? Yeah... I quoted my point 3 and you avoid it. ok. Nice unless words only what you say count and what we say does not count.
Clovis you need to learn english
Goblin, you are just wrong, plz stop posting.
You could join clovis in english lessons.
I asked a simple question on what is a zoom bug and how is it done and could it break my double wall in my picture.
Clovis ...i dont see no explanation on how its done in your post beside stating that it is.
Does ss i dont know what are they suppose to represent.
And i dont know the zoom bug.
...Even less i know who you are hazardouz so if you dont have an argumment or an explanation to back up why im wrong and on what matter ...gtfo.
Hazardouz = le mighty tunder3
Goblin, Nobody gives a shit about your feud with re-walling and your shitty rules. This topic is about people wallfucking double layer walls like the one in the picture you posted, but you derailed the topic and changed the focus of attention to "re-walling" and zoom bugs.
Nobody in here BUT YOU is interested in debating about re-walling.
we are talking about how shitty is to wallfuck the outerwall turn 1 and then break the inner wall turn 2.
'' Who is we?'' Because Goblin and Laochra and me were mostly talking about it, we were not talking about how shitty wallfuck turn 1 is. We were talking about how unfair it is that it walls turn 2 without breaking it.
You and clovis are tyring to troll or turn this whole topic to another subject, so you both better nock it. Thanks.
If you want to argue, thats fine, come with goood arguements or your opinion, dont turn around words or ignore things and just take 1/10 of all and try to get your right in there.
I destroyed your argument a long time ago, you failed to provide me with an answer.
How can i address goblin if he says one thing and proposes another? His argument contradicts his conclusion.
Goblin, Nobody gives a shit about your feud with re-walling and your shitty rules. This topic is about people wallfucking double layer walls like the one in the picture you posted, but you derailed the topic and changed the focus of attention to "re-walling" and zoom bugs.
Nobody in here BUT YOU is interested in debating about re-walling.
we are talking about how shitty is to wallfuck the outerwall turn 1 and then break the inner wall turn 2.
Thunder ...please, pretty fuckin please READ!!!
I didnt know about zoom bug, clovis first started to talk about it.
I was asking over and over again that everyone stops talking about rewalling ...while everyone ignored me.
we had two groups here:
Group 1: if you do a big wall without an inner wall (which cant be broken and its amazing that you guys refuse to do this) we will wall fuck the big wall in order to prevent your unpreventable move
Group 2: no, no compromise ...we wont do the inner wall even doe Clovis admits that it cant be broken with a zoom bug and we will do our unpreventable move , but we demand you dont do yours
So in this clash of unpreventable moves usage ...i proposed a solution:
- Either both do or dont ...i proposed that both sides dont do them.
Why would I use 3 extra units, if players would still break it anyway? Yeah... I quoted my point 3 and you avoid it. ok. Nice unless words only what you say count and what we say does not count.
Group 2: no, no compromise ...we wont do the inner wall even doe Clovis admits that it cant be broken with a zoom bug and we will do our unpreventable move , but we demand you dont do yours
So in this clash of unpreventable moves usage ...i proposed a solution:
- Either both do or dont ...i proposed that both sides dont do them.
Clovis you need to learn english
Goblin, you are just wrong, plz stop posting.
You could join clovis in english lessons.
I asked a simple question on what is a zoom bug and how is it done and could it break my double wall in my picture.
Clovis ...i dont see no explanation on how its done in your post beside stating that it is.
Does ss i dont know what are they suppose to represent.
And i dont know the zoom bug.
...Even less i know who you are hazardouz so if you dont have an argumment or an explanation to back up why im wrong and on what matter ...gtfo.
Hazardouz = le mighty tunder3
Goblin, Nobody gives a shit about your feud with re-walling and your shitty rules. This topic is about people wallfucking double layer walls like the one in the picture you posted, but you derailed the topic and changed the focus of attention to "re-walling" and zoom bugs.
Nobody in here BUT YOU is interested in debating about re-walling.
we are talking about how shitty is to wallfuck the outerwall turn 1 and then break the inner wall turn 2.
'' Who is we?'' Because Goblin and Laochra and me were mostly talking about it, we were not talking about how shitty wallfuck turn 1 is. We were talking about how unfair it is that it walls turn 2 without breaking it.
You and clovis are tyring to troll or turn this whole topic to another subject, so you both better nock it. Thanks.
If you want to argue, thats fine, come with goood arguements or your opinion, dont turn around words or ignore things and just take 1/10 of all and try to get your right in there.
I destroyed your argument a long time ago, you failed to provide me with an answer.
How can i address goblin if he says one thing and proposes another? His argument contradicts his conclusion.
You didn't destroy anything? you came here talking about something complete different and I told you that, if thats what you call ''destroyed'' than I wish you all the luck further in life.
I told in spectator chats plenty of times, and also in your forum thread, and we had an convo about it in game too, i think it was my fault to not saying it in the CW, but like I said I wasn't playing that cw and my members didn't wanted it either.
+ The way khal insulted both goblin and me was not cool and rational...
goblin called us bitches, and made threats/promises. You told lies about myself and illyria and namecalled. You reap what you sow.
all you guys do is backing eachother when you guys do something wrong. You never accept anything you do wrong, and why? bcs you have acq behind you ( a respected mod).
I heard from people who have left illyria the clan is a big mess because only ''laochra/khal/lp/skend & acq could CW'' If you call dividing the clan in levels a ''good relationship'' you should not talking here because you would make absollutely no sense at all..
So you agree with my statement then? Just make a 3 man wall inside? It wasn't clear in your post, yet you quoted the whole paragraph then said, "yes."
As for my clan, if we agreed upon something I know we'll most likely follow that agreement. They have their positions, but we also have the status quo, which they seem to follow to my knowledge.
yes i do, i get where you're coming from, its a minor technicality in my eyes but i see the logic and cant argue with it.
I see your point. It'd be community self-moderation.. to a point. You realize administrators are the ones to act if something like ELO/Cln Wars are done with glitching. Moderators would need to be given more powers over more important parts of the game in this case, else we'd have to bug the administrators every time something happens. If we were to enforce the competitive players etiquette, first turn wf'ing etc, you know we'd have to do that for every game too right? Not just official games. Lots of lower ranks without prior knowledge would suddenly have a lot of problems when they got into the main room. Even right now, you run into rank 6-7-8's who join a 3 vs 3 and wallfuck first turn.
As I said, to a point. It's too much.
yea, tbh i think within the competitive community id be surprised if there was even 1 complaint in this regard a month. But i guess you would have to apply it to all games, i could imagine some low rank being outraged at a loss of 5k sp due to a rewall which saved his opponent. And he would have an argument.
Although i still feel something like this needs to be implemented, this is not the last youve of this argument, not by a longshot. and im not referring to me, or goblin or even waffel. these debates and arguments will continue to appear in various forms between others until something is done.
however i do understand that with html5, the admins are quite busy, and theres a whole list of things id rate as more important than this.
Yeah we'd just boycott the cheating clan and spread what they've done to other clans. If the CW cost us the season, we at least have the high ground for all interactions after that point. In fact, I gain more than lose in comparison to a clan that cheats vs me, despite not many being able to see that right away. You would be harmed in the future while I just lose a stupid badge on the side of my clan page that nobody looks at anyway.
Self moderation already works. Let's just come to a unified rule set of etiquette for the community itself. An official stance will not work without game mechanics being adjusted/fixed.
it depends, what if the cheating falls into some grey area of the communities generally accepted gameplay etiquette? You might feel cheated but others might not agree and support the cheating clan. And yea the season badges are stupid due to the system, but they will influence new players to clans when choosing. I took note of these things back then.
but yea a unified ruleset/etiquette would suffice, but if these recent threads alone have taught us anything it is that that wont happen. but i do understand the complications and effort required in at least this proposal of an official stance
Clovis you need to learn english
Goblin, you are just wrong, plz stop posting.
You could join clovis in english lessons.
I asked a simple question on what is a zoom bug and how is it done and could it break my double wall in my picture.
Clovis ...i dont see no explanation on how its done in your post beside stating that it is.
Does ss i dont know what are they suppose to represent.
And i dont know the zoom bug.
...Even less i know who you are hazardouz so if you dont have an argumment or an explanation to back up why im wrong and on what matter ...gtfo.
Hazardouz = le mighty tunder3
Goblin, Nobody gives a shit about your feud with re-walling and your shitty rules. This topic is about people wallfucking double layer walls like the one in the picture you posted, but you derailed the topic and changed the focus of attention to "re-walling" and zoom bugs.
Nobody in here BUT YOU is interested in debating about re-walling.
we are talking about how shitty is to wallfuck the outerwall turn 1 and then break the inner wall turn 2.
'' Who is we?'' Because Goblin and Laochra and me were mostly talking about it, we were not talking about how shitty wallfuck turn 1 is. We were talking about how unfair it is that it walls turn 2 without breaking it.
You and clovis are tyring to troll or turn this whole topic to another subject, so you both better nock it. Thanks.
If you want to argue, thats fine, come with goood arguements or your opinion, dont turn around words or ignore things and just take 1/10 of all and try to get your right in there.
I destroyed your argument a long time ago, you failed to provide me with an answer.
How can i address goblin if he says one thing and proposes another? His argument contradicts his conclusion.
You didn't destroy anything? you came here talking about something complete different and I told you that, if thats what you call ''destroyed'' than I wish you all the luck further in life.
You said double layer walls are bad because you can't prevent them unless you wf, i just applied the same logic to capital walls.
Literally your logic is wrong, your argument is wrong, you are wrong.
Clovis you need to learn english
Goblin, you are just wrong, plz stop posting.
You could join clovis in english lessons.
I asked a simple question on what is a zoom bug and how is it done and could it break my double wall in my picture.
Clovis ...i dont see no explanation on how its done in your post beside stating that it is.
Does ss i dont know what are they suppose to represent.
And i dont know the zoom bug.
...Even less i know who you are hazardouz so if you dont have an argumment or an explanation to back up why im wrong and on what matter ...gtfo.
Hazardouz = le mighty tunder3
Goblin, Nobody gives a shit about your feud with re-walling and your shitty rules. This topic is about people wallfucking double layer walls like the one in the picture you posted, but you derailed the topic and changed the focus of attention to "re-walling" and zoom bugs.
Nobody in here BUT YOU is interested in debating about re-walling.
we are talking about how shitty is to wallfuck the outerwall turn 1 and then break the inner wall turn 2.
'' Who is we?'' Because Goblin and Laochra and me were mostly talking about it, we were not talking about how shitty wallfuck turn 1 is. We were talking about how unfair it is that it walls turn 2 without breaking it.
You and clovis are tyring to troll or turn this whole topic to another subject, so you both better nock it. Thanks.
If you want to argue, thats fine, come with goood arguements or your opinion, dont turn around words or ignore things and just take 1/10 of all and try to get your right in there.
I destroyed your argument a long time ago, you failed to provide me with an answer.
How can i address goblin if he says one thing and proposes another? His argument contradicts his conclusion.
You didn't destroy anything? you came here talking about something complete different and I told you that, if thats what you call ''destroyed'' than I wish you all the luck further in life.
You said double layer walls are bad because you can't prevent them unless you wf, i just applied the same logic to capital walls.
Literally your logic is wrong, your argument is wrong, you are wrong.
Like I said, this subject isnt about capital walls. Thats one.
Like I also said was that we had a rule about the WF turn 1. Thats two.
If you want or gonna use this logic to EVERYTHING, you can make an endless thread about everything. As you can see, im not the only one with this problem, and I know more people are against it, they basically dont waste their times on forums.
Also if you actually read all of it, instead of just piece by piece, i was only mentioning to turn 1 and 2 Double layers walls, I also said if it was turn 5 or 6, its our own fault since we could WF it.
Tunder, stop trying troll a thread, multiple people have told you this in those years, so did mods. Just nock it.
Clovis you need to learn english
Goblin, you are just wrong, plz stop posting.
You could join clovis in english lessons.
I asked a simple question on what is a zoom bug and how is it done and could it break my double wall in my picture.
Clovis ...i dont see no explanation on how its done in your post beside stating that it is.
Does ss i dont know what are they suppose to represent.
And i dont know the zoom bug.
...Even less i know who you are hazardouz so if you dont have an argumment or an explanation to back up why im wrong and on what matter ...gtfo.
Hazardouz = le mighty tunder3
Goblin, Nobody gives a shit about your feud with re-walling and your shitty rules. This topic is about people wallfucking double layer walls like the one in the picture you posted, but you derailed the topic and changed the focus of attention to "re-walling" and zoom bugs.
Nobody in here BUT YOU is interested in debating about re-walling.
we are talking about how shitty is to wallfuck the outerwall turn 1 and then break the inner wall turn 2.
'' Who is we?'' Because Goblin and Laochra and me were mostly talking about it, we were not talking about how shitty wallfuck turn 1 is. We were talking about how unfair it is that it walls turn 2 without breaking it.
You and clovis are tyring to troll or turn this whole topic to another subject, so you both better nock it. Thanks.
If you want to argue, thats fine, come with goood arguements or your opinion, dont turn around words or ignore things and just take 1/10 of all and try to get your right in there.
I destroyed your argument a long time ago, you failed to provide me with an answer.
How can i address goblin if he says one thing and proposes another? His argument contradicts his conclusion.
You didn't destroy anything? you came here talking about something complete different and I told you that, if thats what you call ''destroyed'' than I wish you all the luck further in life.
You said double layer walls are bad because you can't prevent them unless you wf, i just applied the same logic to capital walls.
Literally your logic is wrong, your argument is wrong, you are wrong.
Like I said, this subject isnt about capital walls. Thats one.
Like I also said was that we had a rule about the WF turn 1. Thats two.
If you want or gonna use this logic to EVERYTHING, you can make an endless thread about everything. As you can see, im not the only one with this problem, and I know more people are against it, they basically dont waste their times on forums.
Also if you actually read all of it, instead of just piece by piece, i was only mentioning to turn 1 and 2 Double layers walls, I also said if it was turn 5 or 6, its our own fault since we could WF it.
Tunder, stop trying troll a thread, multiple people have told you this in those years, so did mods. Just nock it.
You clearly post random shit, go read your first post and see how you are trying to justify wfing big walls turn 1. I already told you why your justification is invalid.
You are the only one against double layer walls, even goblin and desu agree with them if they arent combined with rewalling.
So whats the conclusion, I'd like to know tho. Or do I need to keep on stimulate people to WF? :p
- i dont have a clue why are this guys against making an inner wall inside the big wall
- clovis himself said that it cant be broken
- some here havent read anything and think we are talking about that retarded close double layer walls...
...and are screaming and trolling about things some of us didnt say, mention or complain about
- me personly, i would be happy with people leaving 3 units in their cap turn 1 when they make a big wall as a proof to me they had intention of making it instead of leaving 3 reinforcments in their cap if they are indeed afraid of somehow both walls cracking <----- most generous offer
- of course, now i can expect another set of unreasonable posting and idiotic ramblings
3) Even if Laochra had walled inside, there are still some players that would break the inside wall. This happened me once while I was CWing evoL ( I walled with 8 units outside and 3 inside, I got wfed 1st turn and he still break my inside wall) and happens to me in almost every scenario when I and someone end up wfing each others in turn 1 - he do like there was no wall and break my inside wall.
How high ranks does not respect the walls is very clearn in this example:
in my tourney match aganist Chess. I told him " Dont attack kuwait. Game didn't walled it"
when the wall was up and there was no wfing unit. This is a common bug. ( And no, the wall was made and next turn it just did not appear up).
Guess what: Chess not only attacked it, but also with half of his stack.#R.I.P my general.
There is just no guarantee, with wall inside or without wall inside, that the other player will act polite and respect it. We where fine with the 6 + 3 wall.... until someone started to break them by zoom bugs. I dunno if there is even a high rank here that would respect a 6 outside + 3 inside wall.
For number 2 and number 3.... I support big wall with no inside units. Though, as I said from the start, A post wont charge this.