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Congrats to both!
also i think competitive autists playing 24/7 shouldn't be mod because... well kinda self explanatory; which is why i think these 2 are good choices for mod. give them a chance.
Well my opinions were General Kratore,Hdrakon.But i see they are not selected,so... Anyway i agree with Eagle and Mauzer.That's all.
Calm down guys. You can be sure BertanK will be one of the best Mods.
Just use /report and let the trolls do w/e they want.
As for the haters, Please give them the oportunity. You guys dont lose anything..... please let them try. I am sure they will do a good job.
EDIT: deviL is already doing a good job. LOL 5/5 lock threats.
Im not hater,i dont have anything against them,but i dont want trolls to be mods.
You dont have any kind of proof for prove they are trolls.
They are both nice people. And they dont have any kind of historial with trolling.
Bad choice...
Devil is inactive and he is scared of cws...
Bertank .... I can't see any logical reason to make Bertank mod.
Napsáno Eagle, 07.10.2014 at 15:50
Mauzer couldnt be more right about this. I have nothing against devil or bertan, but them 2? Like seriously... You are practically making the mod crew, which is inactive as it is, even more inactive. Im not implying anything, but there could be many better options... For example, my personal choice would be hdraakon. He is active a lot, help around, plays constantly... There is of course Mauzer, one of the best and smartest players I know, which is by far most important, fair, honest, and active (for a change). Also my picks would be Laochra, very wise and fair player by my opinion, and Eagles8539. Once again I have nothing against these 2 players, but promoting these 2 players to be mods is a foolish and unwise idea, by which you certainly dont help the atWar community, only the players themselves.
93% of moderators are trollers or was trollers,
Why i say that they was trollers?Because they stopped playing game(when they was normal players they didnt played too,but they was online and trolled,abused global,spammed forum).
Then this trollers when they stop trolling they stop playing,and go inactive.
Inactive moderators cant help this community,they unhelp.
We dont lying,see:

Now go to their profils,3/4 moderators played 0games this week.
Mod must be active all days and play at least 1game a day,mods need to see if anyone abusing chat,spamming forum,farming sp......
But only 3mods(i dont want to say who) are doing their job,and playing,make this community and game better place.
Please consider that some mods have alts. I myself stopped playing on my main. Have an Alt that is Rank 9. Don't draw conclusions on things you don't know or on the basis of incomplete information. Furthermore, some of the players suggested above simply do not qualify for a Mod position, exactly because they have been major trolls and haters in the past. Be sure that it isn't easy to pick new and suitable candidates for Mod positions... this selection process is being strongly discussed in Mod forum.
Please consider that some mods have alts.
Demote + ban. Gg no re.
Please consider that some mods have alts.
Demote + ban. Gg no re.
Read rules. GG + Re.
Lol!pavle for mod!
Tito for mod, he would clearly not troll, and be the most active moderator ever!!!
Please consider that some mods have alts. I myself stopped playing on my main.
why? why not just play on your mod account and do your job while playing?
Napsáno chill, 08.10.2014 at 09:12
Please consider that some mods have alts. I myself stopped playing on my main.
why? why not just play on your mod account and do your job while playing?
Why not to be incognito and login as mod when there is fire to be extinguished? Why not to have the right to enjoy playing as a "normal" player without the (~)? Why not contribute with more than one premium account?
Why someone would not lock this topic?
Supports! congrats to both
now give me my promotor ball plz
deviL Zveřejněné: 578 Od: Černá Hora
Enough said, the rest is off topic. Locked
"There is a hero in all of us"
