28.11.2015 - 15:38
I am very tired of a losing enemy leaving the game the turn before I capture their capital. I have missed out on thousands of SP because of leavers. My proposed change is to allow the capital capturing SP bonus to still be available for 1 turn after someone leaves if they still own their capital at the time of their surrender. A possible idea on how to implement this change is to leave a flag parameter on the leavers capital for 1 turn (if they still own their capital during their leave). Then after 1 turn, if their capital isn't captured, remove the flag parameter and no longer let the capture bonus be available. Let me know if you need any more clarification for this suggestion. Thank you!
28.11.2015 - 23:23
Personally i think it is polite for a player to leave once they know that they have lost rather than wasting 10 minutes for turns to pass and to lose their capital.
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29.11.2015 - 03:36
I have same problem in world games but no.I believe(without checking your games)that you are one person who allies a lot and gangbang someone so it makes sense for him to leave.If you dont get much of sp that shows that you dont fight at all.
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01.12.2015 - 16:23
Sorry Glory Of Allyfag but your assumption is incorrect and doesn't add to my idea/suggestion. Please leave your idiocy out of the forums.
01.12.2015 - 16:27
@War Hammer that is where my suggestion comes from. They don't need to stay. They can leave whenever they want but the opportunity for the opponent to get +30 SP for capturing a capital remains for 1 turn after someone leaves the game. If I leave the game on turn 3 while still controlling my own capital; my opponents have to capture my capital by turn 4 to get +30 SP bonus for capturing an enemy capital. Otherwise the +30 SP bonus goes away.
05.12.2015 - 04:08
You just got butthurt
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05.12.2015 - 09:50
Support, makes perfect sense. Just sucks when someone leaves as soon as you break wall and are about to take their capital. Especially after hours of playing 1 game, and you don't get the reward for taking his capital, even though your rightfully earned it. For players that aren't taking the time to read the suggestion fully. It's only going to stay his cap for ONE Turn after he leaves/surrenders.
---- Be Humble
05.12.2015 - 11:52
Thank you for clarifying! This is exactly the issue. It's annoying putting in all of that hard work and once the enemy realizes they will lose; they just quit and you get no SP for taking their capital
05.12.2015 - 17:06
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06.12.2015 - 09:01
In some cases, it might be fair, specially in 1 vs 1. In other cases, such as fighting against allyfags, it doesn't seem as fair.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
15.12.2015 - 09:15
You shouldn't worry about SP in a game that's hardly a reward worth complaining about. Attacking a neutral cap, even if 1 round before it belonged to someone, should still be treated with neutral SP because the player in that game left and because it takes 0 skill (and therefore should get 0 SP) to take a neutral city after said player character leaves.
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