29.03.2016 - 18:47 Steps: 1. Create more incentive to join coalitions and recruit more noobs into coalitions. 2. Push for Fappy Youth to become more competitive in cln war and push for them to develop better tastes in maps. 2. Create Limiting Factors on RP: Ex. RP maps can only be opened 3 times a day in each room. Ex. RP can only be played by a player 2 times a day. 3. Maybe create RP events at certain times in the day and night to keep RP players going. 4. Create a cln war competition that would benefit Fappy Youth if they won 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. 5. Make Room just for Role Play to get rid of it from main and beginner rooms. Something that is less likely to be seen will not be played as often. Map hosts need to be able to see how many players are actually in the room. 6. Make Beginners more competitive instead of influencing them with RP early on. This would solve a lot of problems in how they play. 7. Compromise until a passable plan that benefits AtWar can be placed into effect. Support the Cause now! #Make AtWar Great Again ![]()
---- hi
29.03.2016 - 19:16
This is virtual game, not some global real life problem such as share of toxic gases in the atmosphere to look for solutions for reducing then, damn. Just leave people play what they want and what they enjoy. You like WWII? Okay, play it. I respect your opinion and I don't search for ways to switch you from playing WWII to the regular EU map. RP is part of this game which attracts about 40% of whole AW, let the people have fun, stop restricting RPers on the every step.
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29.03.2016 - 19:21
Yes, the mods are really going to start limiting what types of games can be played. People like you are just as infectious.
29.03.2016 - 19:21
Why is this in general discussion? This is nothing more than hate on RP. Since you want to make separate rooms we should also add one and call it "garbage", this could be for the players who are really bad at 3v3 like yourself. Leave RP players alone. And we won't criticize you anymore.
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29.03.2016 - 19:45
Crap. Doesn't make any sense.
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29.03.2016 - 19:54
First of all, despite the fact I always find these threads laughable, because they all mention me in a negative way, I feel the need to actually reply to this rather autist proposal. I understand your point of view, given your status on atwar ( So, I'll now say why this is complete retardation, to the highest of the levels ever seen on AtWar.
This 1st Step you propose shows the lack of maturity and actual commitment you show to have towards the community and the game itself. Even though I find it rather cute that you mention my clan as an anti-christ for noobs and AtWar, which again, I find very cute and amusing, as Supreme Commander of the Fappy Youth (and others) I do not intend to change my policies, nor my clan's policies/attitude towards AtWar. Fappy Youth is a clan built on the foundations of friendship, solidarity, easygoingness, relaxation, entertainment and meant for its members to have fun playing this game, and all that embodies it (all map genres, etc..) and if RP is the principal choice of the members, due to its characteristics that are appealing to its members, combined with maybe the leader of the clan having a RP, then so be it, and as said, I don't intend to change anytime soon. As Supreme Commander of the Fappy Youth and its associates, I'll make sure that is enforced, as far as possible. If you show any real concern towards AtWar you should start by proposing a solution that gathers all aspects and clans into one big side to dinamize the game and 'decancerise' it, (If that is really your true concern or just a personal agenda against other people, like me instead) and not leaving any clans apart from it, nor considering some clans to be noobs, like you just implicitly wrote, maybe because they aren't in the competitive world like yours perhaps? (May this serve to remind you AtWar has Map/Scenarios, and Clans can be built around certain Map/Scenarios genres, just like competitive clans are built around competitive world genre. The fact you discriminated a coalition makes me believe you fear it for some reason? If you want to cripple it? ![]() ![]() I don't mind btw, feel free to talk shit about it, it only amuses me more
Once again, this is sad, and very very idiotic. If you consider RP to be a threat, hostilizing it wouldn't solve the issue. Roleplay is a map/scenario genre like any other, if we prohibit or restrain a genre that gets many plays per day and played a lot by same players, then we would have to prohibit genres like 'cancerous' World War 1's and many others. If we limit a map genre,what would be the point of even having the ability to create/host Maps/Scenarios if the 'System' regulates what we can play freely? It would lose its point and the game would actually die, because players that see their favourite option heavily supressed, would abandon this game and start playing something else (something that we do not want). Other factor concerns premiums. If I pay lifetime premium or any 'period' premium, I should be able to play and host whatever I want, because I paid for it, considering this point of view, the customer, once it accesses the 'company' services and pays for them, should have unrestricted access to the abilities that the company provides that comes along with premium membership (hosting games, making maps, etc...), so again, this proposal is unrealistic, laughable, idiotic and stupid. Side Note: There's some maps (non-rp) that can be put at the same level of skill of RP (very low) and lower quality compared to others (which makes me remind this strange Opium War map, I've onced encountered, with no strategy/balance whatsoever.. ![]() Last but not the least, this game relies on RP to grow and develop into a bigger, stronger game, a game of excelency, and we have great potential if RP is taken on board, with the necessary changes I wish to impose. Without RP, that make a major share of this game, this game will enter 'recession'.
Don't even bother, I can tell you its flaws without any problem, but I can tell you this: My Map has less flaws (less cancerigenous aspects then) than the other RP maps that have been hosted/made for this past year (starting January 2015 onwards). RP has some flaws regarding too many cities (lag), reinforcements, too many units which lead to unbalance, not to mention the near lack of strategy that comes with RP. However, what's cute and sad about all of this it's that I haven't seen anyone (including you) that has made a 'cry thread' like this to ever make/suggest anything to erase these flaws, or at least most of them! Well, to the sadness of most, and happyness of some, I've been focused, concentrated on erasing RP flaws (or at least lower them) to make RP more immersive. I can also say again that I'm the only maker that can actually admit the cancers of RP and is actually doing anything to reverse it, things that in the past, some makers didn't bother to do, simply because they used RP as personal means. (The person(s) know who I'm aiming this at ![]() Again, an idiotic proposal.
Admins have already fully rejected this and this is just a stupid measure (you took from any other cry thread probably) to 'discriminate' a certain genre, and something that would cripple the game's growth, something we do not want. Also, if that Room was ever to be created, I can tell you, given the information I currently possess, that a RP Room would kill both Beginners and Main Room, something I believe we also do not want. Besides, if you were to make a RP Room, you'd have to make several Rooms. Once again, another idiotic statement/idea you've proposed
Feel free to do so, instead of just proposing, why don't you start working on it and actually defending your ideals via the 'usage of weapons'- (Indoctrination of beginners to be more competitive to reduce influence of RP. Conclusion: Another idiotic cry thread proposing unrealistic changes. Instead of only proposing, do something about it. Cheers, The Supreme Commander of the Fappy Youth Al Fappino
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29.03.2016 - 21:30
Oh boy, when will they realize RP is actually hurting atwar, not improving it.................just when....
30.03.2016 - 02:29
The problem isn't rp, it's the lack of players, rp is to easy new players like easy, new player like rp because it's easy, older players hate rp because there advanced scenario won't fill.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
30.03.2016 - 02:41
I can already see it... "im sorry paying customer, RP has been played 3 times already today, please try tomorow... with regards Amok and Ivan"
30.03.2016 - 09:00
RP is cancerigenous, but it has a major share of the game, and contributes to its growth, player-wise, even an admin told me once just that lol
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30.03.2016 - 09:06
When you're looking for world games that aren't as intense as FFA, RP is useful. While atWar could certainly do with more people playing non-RP games, doing away with it entirely is ridiculous to the extreme imo.
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30.03.2016 - 21:03
Its not contributing, if anything its killing the playerbase, i explained it hundreds of times already, dozens of lowranks quit the game because of their experience in RP, i mean how many RP players over r8 are there? not too many i think, that just proves my point, RP players just come and go, they dont contribute to atwar at all.
30.03.2016 - 22:00
Someone did not get the message. All I want is to reduce the amount of power RP has over the AtWar community. To be honest it contributes nothing to the AtWar community as a whole. The prime majority of RP is filled with players unwilling to advance in their AtWar experience. A limiting factor on the ability to host RP would not break the system. Since it can be made, people will see it as a tantalizing event they would log on every day to play. This would also force RP players to expand their tastes to other games during down times. I believe the limiting factor on RP could be compromised into a beneficial aspect for all players such as event RP's hosted at certain time in the day. Fappy Youth should be included in the system as long as they try to make their genre of play larger. Fappy players would benefit more if Al Fappino led them better. As of now, the only non-cannon fodder players in Fappy Youth is Fappy and a few higher ranked members.
---- hi
31.03.2016 - 07:19
RP has been around since 2014. Late 2013 in the earliest. Then there's the fact that it hasn't been popular until a few months after that. AtWar, and many of our high-ranking players, have been around for considerably longer than that. Why exactly is it significant that most RP-players are lower-rank? It's exactly what would be expected.
1. Coalition wars just don't appeal to some people. When is that going to be understood? Players will naturally gravitate towards styles of play which they like and in which they can be accepted, which is optimal. Adding arbitrary incentives to an arbitrary subset of AtWar gameplay will simply influence players to play styles of games which they do not prefer, which defeats the point of playing video games (which is to have fun). 2. Same point. Clan Wars simply don't appeal to some people! As for pushing them to have better tastes, "better tastes" is inherently subjective, so I have no idea what you're even trying to do here. I agree that current RP maps are some horribly-made maps, but that's my opinion and your opinion. It's not any more valid than the opinions of anyone else. Neither you nor I have the right to force our preferences on anybody else. 3. This is as pointless an idea as fixing the start times of scenario or 3v3 games in the lobby, and for the same reason. The AtWar Administration clearly believes, from the way they structured the game, that players should be able to dictate when games start and what games start. Unless you're disagreeing with this fundamental principle, scheduling regular RP games is a silly idea. 4. There already exists such competitions. Unless I'm mistaken, quite a few clan war competitions offer trophies to high-ranking clans. 5. Again, see point 1. Players naturally gravitate towards styles of play that they prefer. Trying to arbitrarily alter player's choices through these incentives will result in suboptimal results. Not to mention - if RP is kept out of the beginner and main lobbies, it's downright unfair that other alternate styles of gameplay - scenarios, for example - are permitted in the main and beginner lobbies. 6. How, exactly, do you intend to accomplish this? Players will play what they naturally like. You are implying that you know what types of games would be suitable for new players in this game than those players themselves. How would you feel if clovis forced you to watch hours of children's anime because it's somehow "better"? Trying to arbitrarily modify player preferences is never going to go well. 7. Compromise... with who? About what? This is as ambiguous as a point can possibly get. Furthermore, there's this point: Almost all of your proposals require that some governing body (the administration, perhaps) come up with a precise, accurate, and measurable definition of what exactly constitutes "role-play" in AtWar. Considering that maps and scenarios in AtWar have a wide gradient from no-rule free-for-alls to highly-regulated RP games, instead of being divided into two distinct categories, I daresay coming up with a definition that isn't completely arbitrary is downright impossible.
31.03.2016 - 07:49
Other than being completely wrong from a moral perspective, you're also incredibly stupid. Limiting how much you can play causes addiction. Further information here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BTGgCEFuQw
---- Someone Better Than You
31.03.2016 - 10:38
For every 100 players that come (for instance) even if 5-10 of them stay around, that's already a win win for AtWar..
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31.03.2016 - 10:40
Those 100 will come regardless of RP being here or not, problem is RP will make most of them leave.
31.03.2016 - 11:00
I would argue that RP increases player retention. There are some people who are unwilling to face the skill-cliff between themselves and the established players of the game, and less competitive games are a good way to keep those players from feeling too outmatched.
31.03.2016 - 11:04
First of all, this is starting to become not another cry thread suggestion, but a thread that is becoming a personal attack on me, and the Fappy Youth, I command.
Me, and my secretaries have been approached many times by other competitive clans to play a Clan War against them. Following my principle and the principle of my clan, which is a free clan, easygoing, fun, relaxed clan, I have denied any competitive game between clans (Clan Wars) because, quite honestly, I'm not into them and clan wars do not interest me. Second point is, who do you think you are or anyone else to 'Push' my clan to become this or become that, just to appease the others to their own tastes? No one. Trying to get me to 'Push' for my clan to become 'a' or become 'b' will only motivate me to not do that all. Speaking of that, I will not 'Push' my clan to appease others or to become more competitive if I don't approve it, those are not my principles nor the clan's principles. Third point, I'm the only one with the authority to push my clan members to other maps and all, and even in that case, they have their own self-judgement and independence to have the map tastes of their own, so once again, I would not force them to do such thing, to appease the rest of the community.
Again, under my lead and supreme command, and until the end of my term as Supreme Commander of the Fappy Youth (yes we have terms ![]()
As you can see with my 1st post in this thread, that wasn't the suggestion you proposed "Inclusion of my clan", instead, you proposed the creation of more incentives to join coalitions and recruit more noobs into coalitions excluding Fappy Youth, my clan. What made you change your idea? the fact your arguments are completely invalid?
First of all, I take this as an insolent comment from someone who criticizes publically but asks for support in the back ![]() Given the clan and its characteristics, and what I have to control, I'd say the clan is being exceptionally led by me and my Royal Officers and Commissioners, and our strategy of government will not change.
Everyone has their tastes, and I don't push them to play everything I play for instance (there are some exceptions to this rule, exceptions of which I'd rather not disclose ![]() Feel free to comment whatever I post, don't dodge my arguments Cheers, Al Fappino, Supreme Commander of the Fappy Youth & Others
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31.03.2016 - 11:06
No they won't, as surprising as it seems, RPG games outside AtWar have a larger weight that other games that are similar to the other scenarios content (WW1 etc...) I still believe RP, no matter how bad it seems, contributes to some sort of growth of AtWar
That's why I've been working in my clan and my associated clans to keep the playerbase from leaving ![]()
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31.03.2016 - 11:21
RP is the reason that such a large skill cliff exists
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31.03.2016 - 16:21
Actually, the discrimination others do on RP and other genres is the reason why such a large cliff exists, starting with these cry threads
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31.03.2016 - 17:13
Stop trying to remove RP's fault in the skill cliff. RP is the skill floor of atwar. Having such a low skill floor is what causes such a big cliff.
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31.03.2016 - 18:02
I never removed RP's fault in the skill cliff, both RP and the discrimination are the causes for the existance of such a big cliff
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31.03.2016 - 20:41
We would never have this discrimination if it were not for the fact RP players only rely on others to get themselves a win and the large majority of RP players being r5, higher ranks interpret this as low ranks must all be RP players and must not be much of a challenge to take on. What sets the higher ranks apart from the lower ranks was that higher ranks took the opportunity as lower ranks to improve their overall skill and learn from other high ranks to become high ranks.
---- hi
31.03.2016 - 21:03
You completely dodged my two other comments, nice
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01.04.2016 - 02:33
I would agree with that, was it not for the fact that there exists a section of the community called "low-rankers." As long as there exists new players, there will exist a skill cliff, whether or not RP is removed from or suppressed in AtWar. Sure, the AtWar game-skills needed to be successful in RP are quite low, but at least having that RP skill-base (things like walling, doing/defending against rushes, etc) can considerably ease a new player's introduction to the complex strategy of the game.
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