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Přidal Cold Case, 19.08.2018 - 03:38
Turkey got what she deserved. Maybe now Erdogan will understand his place in world power.
20.08.2018 - 14:28
Napsáno AlBoZzZ, 20.08.2018 at 11:56

Napsáno Cold Case, 20.08.2018 at 10:53

Napsáno AlBoZzZ, 20.08.2018 at 07:27

Greece was actually the aggressor against albanians, but even then they didnt "fight" us, their army just kicked civilians out kf their home. They hasn't been an actual war between us.

The numbrr is 500.000 - 750.000 albaniand in greece not 2 million

Sorry neighbour (almost) but you are wrong. Your ancestors decided to open your borders to Italy and help them with their war against us. We won those battles and kept pressuring till a point. After that Germany came and raped us.

Because I'm living in Greece there are more than a million albanians living here at least.

Dont tell lies when you know very well that during ww2, italy had invaded albania. So when italy attacked greece, it passed through albania which at that point was italian territory. Therefor italy didnt attack greece because "my ancesters" helped

I'm not lying, it would be against me to lie. Things like these are facts and there are no theories over them. It's legit that you guys let Italy through your lands and even helped it.

I believe we shouldn't continue this because you know x and I know y and we won't end up anywhere .
20.08.2018 - 14:34
Napsáno AlBoZzZ, 20.08.2018 at 12:02

Unemployment back home got increased because many albanian immigrants from greece and italy , returned home.

You are right many albanians went to greece for work, and greek money did help many albanian families ,but they worked for it.

Back in the day greece and italy were the america of europe, not anymore though, and immigrants are leaving them

Greece was thought to be rich and that's where we got screwed. Everyone got happy, started spending, getting loans from banks and stuff like that till it was officially known we were doomed in 2009.

The number of albanians that came into this country legaly is small. And the number of those who left and returned to albania is even smaller. Believe me, I know what I'm saying.

I hope you are not misunderstanding me, I'm all in for people to move in to greece, wherever they're from, I'm just expecting some stuff in return.
20.08.2018 - 14:47
Napsáno Cold Case, 20.08.2018 at 14:28

Napsáno AlBoZzZ, 20.08.2018 at 11:56

Napsáno Cold Case, 20.08.2018 at 10:53

Napsáno AlBoZzZ, 20.08.2018 at 07:27

Greece was actually the aggressor against albanians, but even then they didnt "fight" us, their army just kicked civilians out kf their home. They hasn't been an actual war between us.

The numbrr is 500.000 - 750.000 albaniand in greece not 2 million

Sorry neighbour (almost) but you are wrong. Your ancestors decided to open your borders to Italy and help them with their war against us. We won those battles and kept pressuring till a point. After that Germany came and raped us.

Because I'm living in Greece there are more than a million albanians living here at least.

Dont tell lies when you know very well that during ww2, italy had invaded albania. So when italy attacked greece, it passed through albania which at that point was italian territory. Therefor italy didnt attack greece because "my ancesters" helped

I'm not lying, it would be againste to lie. Things like these are facts and there are no theories over them. It's legit that you guys let Italy through your lands and even helped it.

I believe we shouldn't continue this because you know x and I know y and we won't end up anywhere .

how do you know that they let italians in and helped them? and even if thats true then did they have a choice/benefit or even government to do this?
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
20.08.2018 - 15:59
Love thow this debate took a 90degree turn and became a Albania vs Greece debate.

Napsáno Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
20.08.2018 - 16:28
Napsáno SyrianDevil, 20.08.2018 at 14:47

how do you know that they let italians in and helped them? and even if thats true then did they have a choice/benefit or even government to do this?

Because I've read it in books that are legit. It's quite easy to find it.
20.08.2018 - 18:41
Napsáno Cold Case, 20.08.2018 at 16:28

Napsáno SyrianDevil, 20.08.2018 at 14:47

how do you know that they let italians in and helped them? and even if thats true then did they have a choice/benefit or even government to do this?

Because I've read it in books that are legit. It's quite easy to find it.

History shows italy had invaded albania.
Therefor albania was italian land at that time
Therefor italy was moving on its occupied land

If we go by what youre saying then russia should have nuked poland because poles let germans go east
Russia should blame ukraine,belarus, yougoslavia ect for letting germans advance east.... thats not right is it?

25.08.2018 - 17:37
Where did you get the idea that Polish "Let" Germans go east ?
germans & russians had peace pact before "The Phoney War" began,
& they had already divided poland between themselves !
read More books (written by the victors/vanquished & neutral observers(they always all exist).
also nobody had nukes in 1939.
just how far back into history does one go before one is of any nation a national,
staight "off the boat",1st born generation,2nd or as soon as one swears the oath of alliegence ?
30.08.2018 - 11:40
Napsáno Black Swans, 20.08.2018 at 06:48

I think Greeks issue is that you see yourself as equal or better than Turkey. While reality is much much different, you were in the past, but new times, new wind of changes.

You remind me on people who are jealous on other people who have more money and go something like: "I remember him when he was working as seller in the mall" or something like that. Same mentality that destroyed Serbs in Yugoslavia will destroy you. "Kosovo is our territory, we have 90% of C.E.O.s in Kosovo", yeah, but you have 10% population

Said the muslim inbred from bosnia. Fucking bosnia

30.08.2018 - 12:00
Napsáno AlBoZzZ, 20.08.2018 at 18:41

History shows italy had invaded albania.
Therefor albania was italian land at that time
Therefor italy was moving on its occupied land

If we go by what youre saying then russia should have nuked poland because poles let germans go east
Russia should blame ukraine,belarus, yougoslavia ect for letting germans advance east.... thats not right is it?

we had that conversation more than once in the past. You and Italy both got raped

30.08.2018 - 12:03
Napsáno AlBoZzZ, 20.08.2018 at 00:08

You know whats sad? That your country has been in a shithole for the past 15 years,

30.08.2018 - 19:55
Albania has been a shit hole sense it's very existence
31.08.2018 - 22:02
Napsáno Napoleon 1997, 30.08.2018 at 21:56

Dude you are a hentai virgin horny fuck sitting alone pretending being a fucking girl and at the same time you act tough on atwar topics
100$ you wouldn't say shit on his face.
And by the way where the fuck are you from acting so proud and bully others of their origin cause im pretty sure you aint from thailand you cant be that brain dead to be a proud thailandese whatever the fuck you spell it.

Wow you found out the truth about me how sad. You are quite the psychologist huh? XAXAXAXAXAX
Who the hell are you anyway? Are you a sand nigger immigrant spreading your cancer in France? I live in Asia at the moment, i have space for one more houseslave, actually not only one, im making good money here.

Come i ll take care of you poor little darkie, i will feed you if you are willing to work. NO HANDOUTS.
01.09.2018 - 00:20
Napsáno Napoleon 1997, 31.08.2018 at 23:09

Napsáno Khal.eesi, 31.08.2018 at 22:02

Wow you found out the truth about me how sad. You are quite the psychologist huh? XAXAXAXAXAX
Who the hell are you anyway? Are you a sand nigger immigrant spreading your cancer in France? I live in Asia at the moment, i have space for one more houseslave, actually not only one, im making good money here.

Come i ll take care of you poor little darkie, i will feed you if you are willing to work. NO HANDOUTS.

You are so pathetic that its actually sad, how old are you 16? get the fuck out of here kid.
First time in my entire fucking life i see an asian thailandese fuck be so proud of his shithole im so amazed that you guys down there have access on the internet.
Thailand...seriously dude? or girl? faggot
end of fucking story now go crawl back to your shithole in asia and jerk off to some hentai porn and stop acting tough on the internet cause its fucking pathetic coming from a faggot like you.

hey its ok to be gay
01.09.2018 - 03:11
Napsáno Napoleon 1997, 31.08.2018 at 23:09

You are so pathetic that its actually sad, how old are you 16? get the fuck out of here kid.
First time in my entire fucking life i see an asian thailandese fuck be so proud of his shithole im so amazed that you guys down there have access on the internet.
Thailand...seriously dude? or girl? faggot
end of fucking story now go crawl back to your shithole in asia and jerk off to some hentai porn and stop acting tough on the internet cause its fucking pathetic coming from a faggot like you.

P.S. My offer still stands. If you decide to stop being a parasite to society and want to work for food come over.
01.09.2018 - 11:50
Napsáno Napoleon 1997, 31.08.2018 at 23:09

Napsáno Khal.eesi, 31.08.2018 at 22:02

Wow you found out the truth about me how sad. You are quite the psychologist huh? XAXAXAXAXAX
Who the hell are you anyway? Are you a sand nigger immigrant spreading your cancer in France? I live in Asia at the moment, i have space for one more houseslave, actually not only one, im making good money here.

Come i ll take care of you poor little darkie, i will feed you if you are willing to work. NO HANDOUTS.

You are so pathetic that its actually sad, how old are you 16? get the fuck out of here kid.
First time in my entire fucking life i see an asian thailandese fuck be so proud of his shithole im so amazed that you guys down there have access on the internet.
Thailand...seriously dude? or girl? faggot
end of fucking story now go crawl back to your shithole in asia and jerk off to some hentai porn and stop acting tough on the internet cause its fucking pathetic coming from a faggot like you.

He is from Greece, fled like pussy when economy started sinking.

He hates me because I am Bosniak, and Albanians because they are Albanians, because in his sick mind we = Turks, which he as a Greek hates.

He unironically blames migrants for doing what he already did. So
No such thing as a good girl, you are just not the right guy.

01.09.2018 - 15:04
Hey Khal is back

Napsáno Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
01.09.2018 - 15:41
Atleast I can access Wikipedia and criticise the Afrin operation without going to jail...
Someone Better Than You
02.09.2018 - 08:44
Whatever else you do/say DO NOT rely on Wikipedia.
all too often an unsubstantiated intellectual melange of 1/2 fact,misconstrued "factuals" & ignorance.
Wikipedia's there for entertainment not education.
anyone from Thailand's refered to as Thai.
any slagging-off racial origin or gender type = weak or failed validity of arguement/persona.
sitting potentially 1000's miles from target of insults = cowardly
(safe behind apparent anonimity,am sure all aware how easy it is to hack into personal data).
am not endorsing any arguement here.I
t's all irelevant anyhow,Italy/Greece/Albania all have failed economies,not due to WWII but political greed/corruption/Gravy-Trains subsequently.
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