28.03.2020 - 02:14
It's been a busy month on atWar! We've been getting a lot of traffic, and personally I've been putting a lot of time this month into AW. There are lots of little things but I want to draw your attention to just a couple more obvious changes: Maximum Players in a game has been increased to 40 I've added an option for 40 players, so yes you can now start a game up to that limit. (And we have the players now to justify it!) Abandoned Games % Reset Since probably forever the Abandoned Games % on users' profiles was possibly very inflated. This is because there was never a way of properly tracking "abandoned" games. The old way of figuring out this percentage simply took your total games played, subtracted all games won/lost, and assumed the rest were "abandoned". However this really isn't fair, for various reasons. For example, if you start a game just to test something (maybe you're working on a new map, or just practicing), and there were no other players in the game, it would count as an "abandon" even though you can't win/lose a game with no other players in it. Also if you were kicked from a game, it would count as an "abandon", even though you didn't abandon it by choice. So, now we keep proper track of the games you abandon. To make things really fair, I've reset everyone's Abandoned Games % to 0. So all your past abandoned games, intentional or not, are forgiven. ![]() Be careful though, at some point in the future I'll be adding a way for people to block users from games if their abandoned % is above a certain threshold... so try to keep your percent low! Server restarts are now a LOT faster I worked out a way to reduce the "restart" time from about 3 minutes to just 2-3 seconds. As you know it's frustrating whenever I have to make a change that requires restarting the server, it used to wipe out everybody for 3 minutes or so. No more... as you could see if you were online when I restarted tonight, it just takes a few seconds and the worst that happens is you refresh your browser page. I hope this will make it a lot easier to make updates in the future.... up to now I've avoided doing a lot of things because of this issue. And other stuff As usual I've been busy fixing several bugs... sadly there are still more out there but I'm making progress. I've also been busy with a lot of things behind the scenes, including working on the Tutorial, improving mod tools, development related to our marketing efforts, and so on. But since this is all stuff you can't see nobody cares about it, so I'll stop here. ![]()
28.03.2020 - 02:35
Give me that in RGB values and I'll implement it ![]()
28.03.2020 - 03:01
Wow and I thought I was special for having the lowest abandon rate in atwar being 3% ![]()
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28.03.2020 - 03:02
I don't know which ones you'd like, so you can choose from here. https://www.rapidtables.com/web/color/RGB_Color.html
28.03.2020 - 03:58
wait so now we have to surrender as opposed to abandoning the game?
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28.03.2020 - 04:06
We need a selection of colours that looks good in game and is sufficiently from all the other colours we already have, if you will take my suggestions, i will conduct a series of in-game tests and compose a list of colours to add and present it in the matter of one or two days.
---- ![]() Best mod ever <3 ![]() Best admin ever <3 ![]() " I declare the creation of the United States of Atwar. " - Dave Washington, 6/7/2020
28.03.2020 - 04:08
Very happy with this progress though, finally the problems we've had for years are being solved, big thank you!
---- ![]() Best mod ever <3 ![]() Best admin ever <3 ![]() " I declare the creation of the United States of Atwar. " - Dave Washington, 6/7/2020
28.03.2020 - 04:43
Makes no sense for me neither
---- "War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means." ― Carl von Clausewitz
28.03.2020 - 05:11
kind of, but it's a good way to deter people from failing games, my only addition to this is that it might need some tweaks like making leaving after t15 or t20 not count because sometimes it's hard to allyend and you've played the game for over an hour and you have to go or experiencing performance problems or anything like that
---- ![]() Best mod ever <3 ![]() Best admin ever <3 ![]() " I declare the creation of the United States of Atwar. " - Dave Washington, 6/7/2020
28.03.2020 - 07:31
So failing games by leaving isn't ok, but failing games by surrendering is?
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28.03.2020 - 13:05
All that hard work for nothing, sucks.
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
28.03.2020 - 17:33
no, sometimes people forget taking screenshots of someone leaving and failing, but when they have to surrender there's records so we can see that they left on a certain turn, and use that as evidence to punish them according
---- ![]() Best mod ever <3 ![]() Best admin ever <3 ![]() " I declare the creation of the United States of Atwar. " - Dave Washington, 6/7/2020
02.04.2020 - 16:29
Maximum Players in a game has been increased to 40 I've added an option for 40 players, so yes you can now start a game up to that limit. (And we have the players now to justify it!) Dave can you allow the scenario editor to have 40 players please. thanks
03.04.2020 - 11:38
So now how does the dropout rate work? Especially when testing a map Which is the best browser for making maps?
09.04.2020 - 12:35
Hey Dave, I just thought I would let you know that my abandoned % just went to 1% today, even though I did not abandon any game: http://prntscr.com/rw9w3b ![]() Thanks Edit: Actually, in my game list, I see some abandoned games, and they were solo practice games (was going to play on a new map for a tournament, so I tested a few openings)
30.04.2020 - 09:15
this has been discussed and is being worked on rn
---- ![]() Best mod ever <3 ![]() Best admin ever <3 ![]() " I declare the creation of the United States of Atwar. " - Dave Washington, 6/7/2020
01.05.2020 - 06:59
Is this no longer counted as abandoned then?
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08.11.2020 - 03:29
Also, before the game starts..when a player decided not to join the game for some reason (like the host change the map or the starting money, and the players wasnt able to see it or just happened to join but the game started before the players knew of the change in settings), will this count as game abandonment? or there's a game already started and a player visits/enters and sees if he can still play or not, im curious, coz i have 12% game abandonment when dave said he has reset this feature?
15.11.2020 - 04:43
Is it possible for Scenarios to also have the option for 40 players? -Thanks in Advance!
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