31.07.2013 - 13:41
Here are some tips for Pd which I found. - Never Stop Expanding And Try Building Money And income As u can Also Never stop spamming those big bad infantries. - Never attack enemies cities in the reinforcement week, instead, reinforce your frontiers and wait it to be attacked; - Expand neutrals as much as you can, since it's easier to you to capture and defend it than wait for your enemy to try an attack; - Avoid using tanks and destroyers, instead keep spamming infantries and some bombers to support you with breaking walls and transports to expand faster; - If you have a big stack With Lots Of inf, always try to protect it with walls If Possible, since you can easily be turnblocked if you don't :l - If your enemy is playing an offensive strategy sometimes it's better to "left" your cities unprotected and let them attack it, so your defense will do the work. Perfect Defense will always have a good amount if infantries. try to use all of your starting units for a good purpose. Dont let them stand there and do nothing! Perfect defence is a very good strategy. Have that in mind. Perfect defence rapes Rentless attack And Sm Trust me.
---- Believe you can and you're halfway there
31.07.2013 - 20:24
Yep, and this is severely out-dated.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
01.08.2013 - 04:13
IK haha but nobody actually goes to old topics I didnt claim ownership on these tips. Chess and Tophats I made this thread because I thought it can be helpful for PD starters
---- Believe you can and you're halfway there
01.08.2013 - 09:53
Does anyone have any tips about using it now, then? Thanks ![]()
---- *tips cap*
04.08.2013 - 04:43
Get the Faster Infantry upgrade, helps a lot. Think about where the enemy will most likely attack, and move your units there to defend. Reverse Psychology. When your cap is open, an enemy's army is near, and reinforcement turn, don't send all your units to defend your cap. Instead, leave a few units and use the most of your defense to defend another open city. Your enemy should be thinking "It's reinforcement turn, he can probably get enough units into his cap to defend. I will attack another city close to his cap then." If luck is on your side, you'll be defending the city he is attacking. -note, the strategy above works better against high ranks Always wall fuck cities Build giant walls around the area you want to attack, f.e. you want to attack Berlin from Poland. Build a giant wall from Hamburg to Munich, preventing him from brining in reinforcements from the west to defend Berlin. Try to do - wall the city before you attack, especially when you're trying to take over peripheral cities (non-capitals) in a intense 1v1 where you can't waste troops.
---- The bitterest truth is sometimes better than the sweetest lie - Griffin, MIB III
09.08.2013 - 09:10
Okay, thanks ![]() By 'always wall fuck cities' I'm assuming you mean my opponents nearby? how many turns before? a few inf near his city would just be easily taken out, I'd have assumed?
---- *tips cap*
09.08.2013 - 23:49
By 'always WF cities' I mean like, place units next to their wall to prevent them from making a wall. This way, they will have to divide their defenses among their cities, and as a result the defenses in each city will be minimal. You can then focus your low-attack Infantry on a particular city, and they won't be able to stop you. Also, here's when you should WF- Turn 1: Break enemy wall Turn 2: put unit next to wall Turn 3: Attack a unit that was used to make the wall (this way, the wall won't form after he destroys the unit you put next to his wall to WF) Turn 4: end of wf Answering your last question, the point of WF is to prevent the enemy from walling. There are multiple ways of walling, one being putting quite a few Infantry (ten?) closely around the city, so the enemy can't even wall without attacking one of your units. Another is to simply place one unit, to prevent walling the next turn. Using one unit is more efficient, as it uses less units, but using more units 2 turns before he walls is better, as it will require more of his units to destroy them all and to wall.
---- The bitterest truth is sometimes better than the sweetest lie - Griffin, MIB III
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